Chapter 22

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"Just tell me where we're going, I don't like surprises." Kirstie whined, tugging on my arm.

"You'll like this one." I chuckled.

"Ugh!!!" She groaned.

"Oh come on now, don't be like that." I laughed.

She just smirked at me and walked ahead, admiring all the trees and plants along the trail.

"This way?" She asked when she got to a split in the trail.

"The one to the left." I pointed.

"Okay!" She smiled. "Wait a second.... We're going to the beach, aren't we?"

I started running and wisked by her.

"Race ya there!" I shouted back to her.

"Hey!! That's not fair!!" She yelled to me, smiling.

Once I got to the sandy part of the beach I turned around to see a struggling Kirstie. She was dragging herself along. She doesn't really fancy the whole 'running' thing.

"Haha, I beat you!" I teased.

"That doesn't even count! You got a head start!" She playfully hit my shoulder.

"Hey! Hitting's not nice!" I smiled and pushed her slightly.

"Neither is pushing!" She smirked and pushed me back harder.

I dramatically stumbled back and acted baffled at her action.

"How could you?!" I gasped.

"Don't even." She laughed and moved closer to me, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck.

"You ready to eat?" I chuckled.

"Yup!" She smiled brightly.

I chuckled and placed soft kiss on her nose, causing her to giggle. Then, I took a really clichè checkered red and white blanket out of the basket and layed it out. I set up everything as she was gazing over the water admiring it's beauty. I sat down criss-cross and poked her leg so she'd look at me. She turned her head to see what I had done and smiled.

"Awe, this is so cute Avi."

"Thank you." I said patting the spot next to me.

She took a seat, and we started pulling out all the food. We had sandwhiches, chips, grapes, strawberries, drinks, and dessert. This picnic is basically like the really cheesy ones you see in the movies, just really clichè.

"This is so cheesy. I love it." She laughed.

"I thought you would." I smiled, leaning over to peck her cheek.

"Okay. So this is yours..... This is mine....... And we'll share everything else." I said handing her sandwhich and drink to her.

"Awesome." She smiled.

We sat in a short silence eating before Kirstie spoke up again.

"Sooo.... What are we going to do about everyone else?.." She asked.

"Whatcha mean?"

"Like, when are we gonna tell them that you and I are, ya know..."

"Dating?" I finished her sentence.

"Yeah." She chuckled. "I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be the least bit shocked if we did tell them."

"You're right. How about we tell them today." I smiled.

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