Chapter 1 "First sight..."

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(Minori's POV)

It was the first day of the second semester and I had entered through the metal detectors. Now I was heading out to meet my friend at the entrance of the main hall. That's when I saw her!

She stood at the main halls entrance with a book in her hand, seeming totally unaware of the world around her. The soft smile that played on her face showed contentment. Her black hair fell to her waist in waves, the black clothes she wore showed a hint of curves as the leather jacket she wore hid the rest of her figure. Yet it was her eyes that attracted me though I may only be a foot away, I noticed the deep dark brown in her tilted eyes. There's a hardness to her person as I noticed that the tan hand that held the book up was scarred.

I stood frozen to the spot with my eyes on her for that instant...

"Hey, Minori!" Hikaru Garth exclaimed as he suddenly appeared and slapped my back affectionately.

"Oh! Hi, Hikaru!" I say, tearing my gaze from the girl to look at my best friend.

Then I glanced at her once more before we headed down to the cafeteria for breakfast. To my embarrassment, she was staring at me with a mixture of confusion, shock, and surprise. What?! I glance back to make sure that I hadn't been mistaken. She was still staring, but now it was something akin to horror.

For the life of me, I didn't understand her expression but it gave me goosebumps. Goosebumps of fear...or was it of pleasure?

"What's up? Why that face?" Hikaru asked curiously.

"Ah... Nothing just got distracted by something," I said with a shrug as I added, "That's all."

"Hmm... Does it have to do with the gal who has that book in her hand?" He asked with a sly glance back.

I blushed.

"If I didn't know better..." Hikaru murmured as reached the stairway that lead downstairs to the cafeteria, "I'd say that was the infamous President of the Art Club."

"No way?!" I blurted out in disbelief.

The legendary Art Club President was well known throughout the school, and school district even. The Trala High School hadn't even had an art club before she had shown up. The Art Club President was known as a straight A student with a badass attitude. As a freshman she had won the teachers and staff's admiration, and the fellow students hard won respect. Some people even feared her!

She brought the school a lot of attention from the media and higher ups. The art she did was fantastic, but people also admired her for getting the schools best artists to join her club. All of them even belonged to different groups, some had been recruited from the jocks, preps, skaters, and losers. People who would never hang out together in a million years, but she got them working together! Every year since the best gifted in art is initiated into the club.

Still none of that explained who she really was, or why she had gone to such lengths to change the school...

"Victoria Saul, a girl with a lot of history. Make's you wonder what goes on in her head, huh, Minori?" Hikaru asked with a smirk as if he were reading my thoughts.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said with a shrug of my shoulders, "Shouldn't we head to breakfast?"

"Nah. I'd just rather prefer we head to class." He said with a glance at his watch, "The bell will just ring in about six minutes anyhow."

I sighed a deep sigh as my thoughts returned to Victoria Saul...

Just who was she really?!

Love Denied Vol.1 Of The Love Trials TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now