Eleven || No Wedding Rings

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Klay woke up with a pounding headache. He checked his surroundings and noticed that he was on the couch in Draymond's living room.

"Morning, Klay Bae." Draymond greeted his teammate.

"What happened last night?" Klay asked, but he didn't even need Draymond to tell him what happened.

"Oh right, Lauren." Klay shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Look bro, I'm sorry, she told me, and I was actually helping her come up with a way to tell you, and my drunk ass slipped up." Draymond explained.

"No it's not your fault, Dray, it's her's." Klay said, growing angry.

"Don't blame her, Klay. It was a dark past for her. Her father didn't even want her to keep the child." Draymond knew that it wasn't his place to tell Lauren's story, but at this point, he knew he had to.

"What do you mean?" Klay furrowed his eyebrows.

"She told me that her dad was disappointed that she would lose her basketball scholarship because of that baby so he didn't want her to keep it. When she decided that she wasn't gonna abort it, he basically said that she can give birth, but she had to give up full custody of the child." Draymond explained.

"She was sixteen at the time, man. Of course she's not gonna talk about it." Draymond added.

"I thought we would tell each other everything though." Klay buried his face in his hands.

"I'm sure she was gonna tell you at some point, it obviously wasn't the time." Draymond said, defending Lauren.

"Whatever, I'm just not even gonna think about it." Klay sighed as he turned on the TV.

Draymond shrugged and let out a deep breath, knowing that no matter how hard he'd try, Klay wouldn't budge.

Klay wanted to get his mind off Lauren, but he didn't know how. Instead, his eyes just focused on the TV.

"Hey Dray, we should go to Vegas tonight." Klay suggested as Draymond's eyes went wide.

"Bro, no. Remember the last time one of y'all went to Vegas while you two were fighting? It never ends well." Draymond warned Klay.

"And you have kids at home bro." Draymond added.

"Kamila is there to babysit. Come on, it's only overnight." Klay begged.

"No. You can find someone else to go with you, but I'm not supporting this." Draymond said to Klay.

"Ugh I'm sure KD will go." Klay rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone.

"Hey KD-" Klay began before Kevin cut him off.

"Nope, Draymond already told me what your bum ass is up to, and I'm not taking part in it." KD said bluntly before hanging up.

"Shit." Klay threw his phone down.

"Don't even try to ask anyone else from the team, I already told the group chat." Draymond smirked.

"Too late, I already booked a jet to Vegas. So I'm going even if I have to go alone." Klay said in a sassy tone.

Draymond didn't know what to do. Klay was being stubborn and Draymond knew that if Klay wants something, he'll do whatever to get it. Draymond wasn't going to let Klay go to Vegas alone because who knows what he'll get into if none of his teammates where there to watch over him.

"Ugh I'll go with you." Draymond gave up.

"But I'm not drinking." Draymond stated.

"Nice joke." Klay teased.

Klay drove back home to pack. He unlocked the door and walked towards the kitchen. He saw Kamila with his two kids in the backyard.

"Hey Kamz, I'm going to Vegas tonight with a couple guys from the team. Do you mind watching the kids?" Klay asked.

"Klay, you're not seriously going to Vegas are you?" Kamila said in disappointment.

"It's just to get my mind off some things. I gotta pack now." Klay rushed, as he jogged up the stairs. Kamila just sighed in defeat knowing she wouldn't turn Klay's mind around. The only person that everyone knew that could get Klay back into place was Lauren, but that obviously isn't an option at this point. Klay lowkey hoped that he would open the doors to the master bedroom and see Lauren there, but no luck. He sighed to himself and walked over to the closet.

As he was shoving clothes into his overnight bag, he noticed something on Lauren's side of the closet. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked towards it. He saw her wedding and engagement ring sitting on the shelf next to her purses. Klay felt his heart sink, knowing that she took off her wedding ring before heading out last night. However, next to the rings, he saw an unfamiliar picture underneath a pile of tangled necklaces. He moved the ball of necklaces to the side and unveiled the picture. He lifted it up and viewed it clearly. He could see Lauren, at about a younger age wearing an olive green romper and converse. To the left of her was a little child, that looks exactly like the male next to her. The picture depicted Lauren, Brooklyn, and Chance at their daughter's first birthday. Klay turned the picture over to see writing on the back:

Brooklyn Louise Perez
First Birthday
July 10, 2010
Thank you for being an amazing mother to our daughter. I know your dad will probably never accept the fact that Brooklyn is ours, but I promise to raise her just like you. Strong, independent, loving, and caring. I wish you the best in your modeling career, and I hope that you will never forget about me and Brooklyn. We love you, Lauren.

Best wishes,
Chance and Brookie

Klay kept re-reading the note over and over again. He snapped out of it, and out of anger, Klay set the picture down with his wedding ring next to it. He looked at his finger, feeling a little obscure that he didn't have a wedding ring on. He shook it off and continued packing.

*At Kimberly's office*

"Ms. Ramos, you have a guest waiting." Kimberly's assistant called into the room.

"Bring them in." Kimberly said as she typed away on her computer.

"I have the pictures." The voice said as they entered the room.

Kimberly stopped what she was doing and looked up.

"Bring them over here." The woman's tall figure walked over to the desk with her phone and swiped through the pictures.

"Looks like we found some dirt on Lauren Hill's past." Kimberly smirked.

"Imagine how much money these stories will get me." Kimberly added.

"Good work. I have another task for you." She told the woman holding the phone.

"Klay just rented a jet and it looks like him and a couple team members are going to Vegas tonight. I want you to go to Vegas and get some dirt on Thompson too. If you pull through, I'll give you ten percent of my earnings from these stories that I'm about to leak to the public." Kimberly smiled.

"Sounds perfect." The woman smiled with a devilish smirk.

"Good work, Hannah Stocking, now keep working. We need to make money somehow." Kimberly said, as Hannah sauntered out of the room, catching the next flight to Las Vegas.

Author's Note: OOOF now you know who caught Lauren and Chance at the ice cream shop with their daughter👀 And if you've read the first book, you know that Vegas hasn't been too kind to Lauren and Klay. I'm so sorry for all this drama, but I promise that this story will get better! Thank you all for your support! Please continue to vote and comment!


Thank you all again! Stay tuned for the next update! All love! xoxoxo❤️

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