Fifteen || Help You

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It's been a full week since Klay and Lauren have been in the same room together. No contact, no text, no call, nothing. Kamila has been going back and forth from Klay and Lauren's house to Chance's house to pick up and drop off the kids. One day, Kamila noticed that Addy needed more clothes, so she drove over to the Thompson house to see his car parked in the driveway. Kamila walked over to the front door and unlocked it. To her dismay, her jaw dropped when she saw the one and only Hannah Stocking sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"Oh! You must be my nail lady!" Hannah put on a fake smile.

"Cut it out bitch, I'm Lauren's sister." Kamila had no time for games.

"Where's the light-skin?" Kamila groaned.

"Upstairs." Hannah rolled her eyes and switched her attention back to the TV.

"Klay Alexander, why the fuck is there a roach in your living room?" Kamila said, barging into the master bedroom.

"She needed a place to stay for the next few days." Klay shrugged.

"Are you listening to yourself right now?" Kamila shook her head.

"What?" Klay turned around, completely oblivious to the current situation.

"It's not like my wife is out here staying at her ex boyfriend's house. Oh and did I mention, she had a kid with the same ex?" Klay fought back.

"Klay, you can't blame her for not telling you. She didn't cheat, like what you obviously did. She just kept a part of her past from you." Kamila defended her older sister.

"But I thought we told each other everything." Klay said stubbornly.

"Klay, having a child at sixteen is not something that is easy to talk about. She couldn't even see her child. She had to sneak out just to see Brooklyn." Kamila explained.

"Our father did not even want Lauren to keep the child. She had to leave her own daughter. Do you know how painful that is?" Kamila began to form tears in her eyes.

"Whatever, that's her fault that she got knocked up at sixteen." Klay groaned and walked out.

"You are fucking unbelievable." Kamila chucked sarcastically and headed to Addy's room.

She rummaged through the one-year old's closet, grabbing clothes that should be enough for the next two weeks.

"Oh and Klay, don't be surprised if Addy and Drew start calling Chance their dad soon. He's there for her kids more than you are for your own." Kamila spat, not thinking before she left. She slammed the front door, got into her car, and sped off.

Kamila got onto the on-ramp for the freeway, and hit rush hour traffic.

"FUCK!" Kamila grew frustrated and slammed her hands on the wheel.

Thankfully, her phone began to ring and the caller ID made her smile. She hooked up her phone to the Bluetooth and the comforting voice of her boyfriend filled the car.

"Hey babe!" He sang.

"Hi baby, how are you?" Kamila smiled, hearing his voice.

"I'm great! Just got out of practice, and now we have a week off. How are things?" Kyrie asked his girlfriend.

"Stressful, a mess, a shit show." Kamila slightly chuckled.

"What's wrong?" A worried tone was transparent in Kyrie's voice.

"It's a long story." Kamila sighed, her car not moving an inch in the Bay Area traffic.

"I got time babe, I just hit traffic here in Boston, I'll be here for a while." Kyrie joked.

"Funny because I'm in traffic too." Kamila laughed.

"Now tell me what's bothering you." Kyrie said, genuinely worried for his girlfriend.

Kamila began to tell the whole story with Lauren and Chance. She then moved on to the Vegas incident with Hannah, and what happened with drunk Draymond opening his mouth when he wasn't supposed to. She finished the story and gave a couple seconds for Kyrie to process everything that was told to him.

"Are you serious? Wow." Kyrie breathed out.

"Yup. But you have to swear not to tell this to anyone, because it's not my place to be telling all this." Kamila sighed.

"No don't worry I gotchu." Kyrie assured her.

"Well, Kamz, I just took an exit and I'm on my way to the airport." Kyrie said into the phone.

"Why's that? I thought you had a week off. Where are you headed?" Kamila furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm coming over to Oakland." Kyrie stated.

"Why? Don't you need some rest? You have a game next week." Kamila chuckled.

"I'm gonna help you fix this."

Author's Note: oop, can Kyrie help everyone fix this mess? We'll see👀 anyway, MERRY (late) CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! I hope you all spent Christmas with your loved ones and ate a TON of food. Also, what did you guys think of Kamila's POV in this chapter? Do you want more of it? Let me know in the comments! Also, watch out bc KD and Dray will be entering the story once again soon😏Thank you all for your support! It makes me smile seeing everyone vote, comment, and add The Secret and The Contract to their reading lists! It's amazing! Thank you all so so so much! Please don't forget to vote and comment! Also sorry this chapter was a little bit shorter than the previous ones. I promise the next one will be longer! Thank y'all once again! All love❤️xoxo xoxo

The Secret. (Book Two of The Contract.) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora