Four || Play Day with the Uncles

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Today Lauren and Klay wanted a day to themselves, and Draymond was more than happy to offer to take care of the two little Thompsons for the day.

"Alright Addy, be nice to Day Day, and your little brother."

"I will mommy." Addy gave a toothy smile as Lauren kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"Okay rascal, take care of lil Drew and Uncle Day Day, alright?" Klay said as she gave Addy a nuggie.

"I will da da." Addy smiled as Klay picked his eldest daughter up and kissed her cheek.

Moments later, the doorbell rang and Lauren opened it to a smiling Draymond in a black t-shirt and jeans.

"Addy! Uncle Day Day is here!" Lauren called out as the sound of Addy's little feet echoed throughout the house.

"Thank you again for the kind offer, Day. We appreciate it." Lauren smiled as she hugged Klay's teammate.

"Of course, I brought lil Dray with me too." Draymond said, holding up the car seat where Draymond Jr. was in, fast asleep.

"Uncle Day Day!" Addy yelled as she clung onto Draymond's leg.

"Woah hey bud!" Draymond smiled as he messed up Addy's hair.

"Alright, mommy and daddy are gonna head out! Take care of Uncle Day Day, okay?" Lauren said, joking with her eldest daughter.

Lauren and Klay made their way to the garage and pulled out of their driveway, ready to spend some husband and wife time together for the day.

"Okay, Adelaide, what do you wanna do today?" Draymond said as he picked his son up from his car seat.

"I wanna go to the fair!" Addy said jumping up and down, Draymond Jr. doing the same.

"Alright, let's go! Where's your brother?" Draymond said looking around for Andrew.

"Ummm" Addy said making the cutest thinking face.

"He's in his room. Follow me!" Addy said, full of energy, sprinting up the stairs.

Draymond tried to catch up, but fell behind.

"He's here! He's sleeping, shhhh." Addy said putting a finger to her lips.

"You and Lil Dray go downstairs and put your shoes on while I get Drew into his car seat." Draymond whispered as he picked up the youngest Thompson. Lil Dray and Addy ran downstairs, putting their shoes on.

Draymond made his way down the stairs, while the two toddlers were already ready to head out.

"Okay let's go out this way to my car." Draymond said as he opened the door, locking it behind him.

He fastened the three children into their car seats and pulled off of the driveway.

"We're gonna make a quick pit stop and pick up Uncle K." Draymond said, pulling up to Kevin's driveway.

About two minutes later, Kevin came jogging out of his house and into the passenger seat of Dray's car.

"Whole squad, pull up!" KD yelled as he strapped his seatbelt on.

"Uncle K!" Addy said while clapping her hands.

"What's up home dawg?" KD smiled back at her.

"We're going to the fair." Draymond smiled as he put on the aux chord, playing Disney songs.

"Uncle Day Day, we don't want this! We want Migos!" Addy said, whining. As she said that, KD's eyes got wide.

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