Two || Wait

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Lauren woke up to the sound of her alarm. She reached over to the left side of a bed, but felt that it was empty. She sat up, and realized that Klay was probably in Addy's room, playing with her. Lauren got up and hit the shower. She was anxious because she got a text last night from her manager telling her that there was a meeting today. She was given no details, and she didn't know what Kimberly was getting her into this time.

Lauren hopped out of the shower and put on a white shirt, jeans, with black Puma Fenty slides. Lauren tied her hair into a high ponytail, grabbed her Chanel handbag, and made her way towards Addy's room.

"How are my two favorite people?" Lauren smiled as she walked towards Klay who was having a tea party with Addy.

"And I love the outfit." Lauren chuckled, noticing that Klay was wearing a tutu with a tiara on.

"Thanks. Addy is quite the fashion designer." Klay said, sipping from the little tea cup.

"How's my favorite little girl doing?" Lauren said, picking her daughter up.

"Dada, can we put glitter in your hair?" Addy said as Lauren laughed, along with Klay.

"How bout you change first Dada, we have a meeting to get to." Lauren smiled as Klay got up, and kissed his two girls on the forehead.

"You're gonna have a play day with Riley and Ryan today, while mommy and daddy go to their meeting." Lauren said, as she cleaned up Addy and Klay's tea party, while carrying her daughter. Lauren heard the doorbell ring as she climbed down the stairs with Addy on her hip. She opened the door to Steph's sister, Sydel, and her two nieces.

"Sydel!" Lauren exclaimed as she hugged her.

"Laur! How are you?" Sydel asked, as she returned the hug.

"I've been good! Waiting for this little one to pop out." Lauren said as she rubbed her belly.

"When is the big due date?"

"Two weeks!" Lauren said, crossing her fingers.

"That's so exciting! Have you guys decided on a name yet?"

"Yup, so check Instagram in two weeks!" Lauren teased, as Sydel playfully rolled her eyes.

"Hey RyRy, and Lil Ryan." Lauren said as she bent down to hug the two Curry sisters.

"Thank you again for babysitting the girls." Lauren smiled.

"Anytime! Steph and Eesh are out today too, so might as well have a girls day with these three youngins." Sydel chuckled.

Klay jogged down the stairs, greeting Sydel and the two girls with a hug.

"Thanks for agreeing to babysit this little rascal." Klay joked, talking about his daughter.

They all waved goodbye as Lauren and Klay got into Klay's Range Rover, and made their way to the city.

"What do you think this meeting is about?" Klay said as he glanced over at his wife.

"I honestly don't know, I hope it's nothing serious." Lauren sighed as she rubbed her temple.

"It'll be okay. You can always fire her." Klay said as Lauren nodded her head.

Klay pulled up to the front of the building where their meeting would be held. He handed the valet guy his car keys as him and Lauren made their way into the building and into the elevators, taking them to the top floor. The doors opened to the office where the two first met a year and a half ago.

"Brings back memories, bad ones." Lauren joked as she held Klay's hand.

"Look at where we are now." Klay smiled as they walked into the office.

"There you guys are! You're late!" Kimberly said as she scrambled through the papers.

"Kim, we're a minute late, chill out." Lauren said, rolling her eyes as she sat down.

"Let's get to work." Kim said as she handed Lauren and Klay a stack of papers.

"Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, your new project." Kimberly said as Lauren and Klay flipped through the pages.

"Wait, tell me if I understood this right, you want us to pretend that he cheated on me with a nanny?" Lauren said in disgust.

"Pretty much." Kimberly nodded.

"Why? That's disgusting, and completely opposite from who I am as a husband."
Klay said, growing angry.

"It's called making money, that's our goal right?" Kimberly rolled her eyes.

"No, our goal is to become a family, and to get away from your gold digging ass." Lauren yelled, as she shoved the pile of papers in Kim's direction.

"You're fired." Lauren said as she stood up.

"You can't do that." Kimberly said, panicking.

"Watch me." Lauren said as she began to walk out the door, Klay following closely behind.

"Wait! I have a second option for you guys." Kimberly said as she dug through her bag, pulling out another document. Lauren and Klay looked at each other as they slowly made their way back into the room.

"This contract just ensures that you both attend all red carpets, photoshoots, and have club appearances. It's only for three months, it's a lot less money that you both will be earning, but it's public exposure." Kim said as she handed both of them a pen. Klay and Lauren made sure to read through the entire contract before considering.

"So are you one hundred percent positive that this contract is ONLY for appearances and exposure?" Lauren raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, positive." Kim said.

"It's basically like a renewal of the career contract you both signed. Klay with the basketball endorsements, and Lauren with the modeling agencies." Kim explained.

"Alright." Lauren said as her and Klay signed the last page of the contract.

"Perfect. I promise you guys that this contract isn't anything major, just publicity." Kim said as Lauren and Klay said goodbye and walked out the door.

"There's just one little secret hidden in this contract." Kim whispered as she watched the happy couple walk into the elevator.

Author's Note: what is Kim up to now...😶😶 guys! I'm so so so so so sorry for not updating for almost three weeks! School and sports have literally taken over my life and I haven't had the free time to write! But don't worry, I'm not leaving this book in the dust. I'll be updating here and there, but there will be no schedule as of now! So don't get rid of this book! Because I have so much more planned! Please don't forget to vote and comment! All love!❤️xoxoxoxoxo


The Secret. (Book Two of The Contract.) Where stories live. Discover now