Chapter 1: Getting Started

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**Emerald is the one above**

Girl: come on Emerald! You can't just live your entire life inside your room!

My friend screamed from the other side of the door.

Emerald: WATCH ME!

I screamed back at her from my side of the door. It was the first day of school and she had come to pick me up and go with her.

Girl: if you don't open this door right now, I'll Fucking brake it down!

Guy: Bitch, you know she'll do it!

There he was! My second best friend/enemy. He's always been such a prick towards me. I don't know if it's the fact that he's gay or the fact that he wants my best friend all to himself.
I was in my bed, which was on the other side of my room, with a cocky attitude. I knew she wouldn't do it.

Emerald: DO IT! I DARE YOU!

Girl: you ask for this.

I heard footsteps stomping away from the door. There was silence until I heard the footsteps getting louder and faster. There was then a giant BOUFF and the door came crashing down. My two best friends were in the doorway looking at me.

Emerald: Zoy. Gabriel.

Gabriel: told ya she'd do it.

Zoy: *Inhales and exhales deeply*

There they were! The two greatest people on earth standing in my doorway. I laughed and looked at them with a big grin.

Emerald: I'll be right down.

I got out of bed and got dressed. I then began to go downstairs to see Gabriel and Zoy in my living room.

Zoy: Hey, Em! If you wanna be late then you could've just said so before we came here

Emerald: don't be such an ass Zoy. We still got 30 minutes

Gabriel: well then let's go! Y'all need to stop fighting and start loving-

Gabriel began to open the front door to step out.

Emerald: *coughs* gay *coughs*

Gabriel stopped dead in his tracks and gave me a side glare.

Gabriel: Damn right.

Me and Zoy laughed at Gabriel as he got in the car and started the ignition. Zoy was a Curvy Girl. She had brown skin, dark brown eyes and wavy dark hair.
While Gabriel was a bit chubby guy ( by chubby I mean he had a tummy) He had light skin and light brown hair. Oh and he smoked.
And then there's me...
My name is Emerald Shinning. Hell of a name, isn't it? My parents called me that because of my Emerald like Eyes. I'm not as curvy as Zoy but i do have boobs which is like an amazing achievement in this society.
We got into Gabriel's car and drove to school. On our way there we discussed why we were wearing the outfits that we had on: Gabriel had a buttoned up dark blue shirt with white dots all over, some blue jeans and his signature black shoes. Gabriel's family was filthy rich so it was obvious that he got to wear all of these nice clothes. Zoy on the other hand was wearing the complete opposite. She was wearing an oversized white shirt that had a hipster Mickie Mouse on it, Boyfriend ripped jeans and a pladed red sweater around her waist. She had on some worn out sneakers too. Her hair was up in a messy bun. I was wearing my favorite blue short dress with red flowers on it, some leggings and some red boots. My short and wavy hair was loose and wild.
We finally reached school. Gabriel parked his car and we all got out. We still had 15 minutes left since I lived near the school.

Zoy: welcome to hell, friends!

Gabriel: I can't wait to go to my class!

Emerald: boo! You don't wanna be with us??

Gabriel was in a different classroom then me and Zoy. So it was weird seeing him so exited to leave us. We then entered the school and began to walk around the halls to find out respective home rooms.

Gabriel: well, there's some new boy candy in my classroom!

Zoy leaned to my ear and quitely whispered.

Zoy: he's to gay to function-

Gabriel: I heard that Zoy.

Zoy: shit-

Gabriel spun around to face Zoy and pinned her to the nearest locker. There faces only inches apart as they looked at each other. Gabriel had one hand on her waist and another holding both of her hands on top of her.

Emerald: guys, if your gonna try and turn each other on, could you not do it in front of me?

Zoy: Weak.

Zoy then managed to get out of Gabriel's grip. Her hand lingered as she gave him a sly grin. She then placed her hand on his crotch and grabbed it. Causing Gabriel to moan and get embarrassed quickly.


Emerald: EWWWWW

Zoy then bursted out of laughter as she let go of Gabriel.



I couldn't help but laugh a bit at Zoy's comment and how uncomfortable Gabriel looked as he held his crotch.

Gabriel: I hate you

Zoy: I know you love me, Mr.Chub Chub

Emerald: gross

Gabriel: ugh. Like I said. I hate you.

We got so distracted that we totally ignored that the first bell rang. Once we finally calmed down we began to look for our classrooms.

Emerald: back to the subject in hand: who are the new guys?

Gabriel: don't know but apparently there's like 12 of them

Zoy: that's a lot..

Emerald: no shit, sherlock

Gabriel: and their all scholars!

Zoy: woah..

Gabriel: woah indeed, my dear friend. Woah indeed.

Emerald: so what? Your gonna try and date one of them?

Gabriel: fuck yes
Zoy: fuck no

They then looked at each other in shock.

Gabriel: Zoy, you need this!

Zoy: no I don't. You know I'm not good at loving!

Emerald: she's only had one crush and he's-


Gabriel: but-


Emerald: fine! But that was in 5th grade Zoy!

Zoy: your point is?

Emerald: Were seniors.

Gabriel: that's a long fucking time.

Zoy: look I just don't want to fall in love again. Got it?

Emerald: same.

They both looked at me.

Emerald: hey! The last 5 boyfriends I've had have either cheated on me or have Hooked up with me to impress some douch

Gabriel: fine. You get a pass but Zoy hasn't even had her first kiss yet!

We finally reached our classrooms. Surprisingly, Gabriel's classroom was next to ours.

Zoy: I'm leaving. Bye

Zoy went inside of our classroom very annoyed.

Gabriel: see you soon em!

Emerald: same!

I went inside of mine.
I wasn't expecting to even meet the scholars! Guess life had other plans...


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