Revenge:-Akward Relationship

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Scarlet looks at him and signs then says"I'm sure this girl appreciates everything you've done for her so far and I bet she's finds you a supportive gentleman but you're not the only one struggling with love at the moment for example im not fully happy about my partner I have to be with either but I guess it just natures way that we all have to follow I guess the best thing to do now is to follow what I have to and stoping fighting and refusing things that need to be done."

Charlie asks back"so you rather give in and be miserable inside then fight for your happiness and be with someone you truly love instead?"Scarlet replies"well I'm just going the way I should go to prevent stress also it's not like I have someone that I truly love anyway. It's not like I can go out in the wolf community and find a wolf blood I fancy right now but you have that opportunity now to go search so you have a girl of your own this mating season but you rather stay here with me and lose that chance. Do you know what happens to wolf bloods that are loners? you are either kicked out of the pack or..."

Charlie interrupted her with a low dreadful pain in his voice" first of all who said the wolf blood you truly love is outside of the hospital secondly I don't need to be reminded scarlet can we please not talk about this. Personally it's a sensitive topic that I don't not like to discuss to anyone about."
Scarlet argued"well I'm different then every body else u might think I won't support u and you're own problems. Come on Charlie u have been helping so let me help u please talk to me even if I can't solve ur problem at least telling someone close to you might make u feel better."
Charlie says in a stern tone"don't you get it scarlet its personal that's the reason why I've not told anyone there's no point it can't get solved so what's the point anyway if I told anyone this then I would be severely punished by my parents and Chris so I rather just keep it to myself."

Scarlet argued back with rage"well so much for telling me not to give in to things I don't want and not to hold on to problems that make me miserable. I might as well not listen to you no more you're such a hypocrite you say these things to me but yet you don't follow ur own advice. At the moment you're gripping onto problems that are hurting you I'm trying to start being strong through these situations so we can try solve things together I was trying to follow ur advice but fine you wanna be like that then just shut ur mouth and don't say anything to me which you don't do your self."

Charlie just sat there without a word to say back he didn't want to argue with scarlet anymore he just wanted to look out for the one he loved and then well he will end his life the way tragic love stories end like Romeo and Juliet but expect it's just Romeo that has the sad ending in this story. Scarlet stared at him longing for him to say something back but soon enough she senses that he wants to be left alone physically,mentally and even emotionally. Deep down scarlet knows who he has fallen for but unfortunately there's nothing she can do. Scarlet decides to try make Charlie happy in a physical way instead of verbally she went to his bed and sat next to him.

She gently hugs him from behind him and whispers to him near his ear" I'm not gonna give up on you Charlie you didn't with me so why should I with u. If I think about closely if it weren't for you my own knowledge of my childhood would of been to kept away from me. You was the one who told your brother that it wasn't fair if it got kept away from me."
Charlie whispered back"you honestly think your own boyfriend told you the full truth to you yeah he was partly correct about ur childhood but there's still one dark part u still don't know even Chris doesn't know only me, my parents and your parents know also they all broke the ways of Mother Nature do you really think your father is purely innocent and follows the most powerful one of all of us honestly he doesn't all of our parents don't they  all rather do what they think is right. They all think it's fine challenging Mother Nature's power by going against her."

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