Dark secret

40 4 12

Jade woke up to a loud bang,bang and bang on her door,she scratched her head rapidly, then rushed to see who it was.
Standing there was a fair height but very build young man.
The young man whispered "I deeply apologise for disturbing you this early in the morning but I wanted to ask you if you like to come have a walk with me because there's something I need to discuss with you before you start working here"
Jade replied to the young man"is it important information regarding about the tasks, responsibilities and agreements I have to be informed about."
The young man just stared at her silently.
Jade looked at him curiously at that moment she saw his ID on his vest.
Jade frustratedly asked" Listen Chris are you going to answer me or not?"
He timidly said with an angry tone"First of all don't call me by my first name to you it's Mr Foster and also second of all can you do me a favour...."
Jade impatiently interrupted" and what may that be?"
Chris calmly continued" you must keep your distances from both Mr Jones"
Jade questioned with confusion"Mr Jones!!!???"
Chris replied" yes the body guard you were with yesterday the one that came into your room"
After Chris said that his stern look turned calm and sad.
Then he asked"Did you know that the manger of this science company announced about a year ago that love or romance is prohibited?"
Jade answered"no... I didn't know that"
There was a short moment of silence between the two of them then Jade noticed when she looked at Chris he was staring at her with his blue passionate eyes they looked like beautiful blue-sea crystals shinning at Jade while he looked at her.
Jade broke this awkward atmosphere by asking" what do you mean by both Mr Jones and why does it bother you who I hang out with?"
Chris immediately snaps out of his zone and explains himself" the body guard you met yesterday has a twin with the same surname which is also their father's surname as well. Their father is also the manager of this company including this laboratory you and me are working in right now. Also the reason why I told you not to get close distance with both Mr Jones because...."
Chris stops talking all of a sudden then looks all around him
Then he nervously asks Jade"may I explain this in your room or somewhere that isn't open like this?"
Jade replies"yea we can go out of the laboratory just give me a quick moment wait a minute."
She quickly closes the door and gets ready then goes out with Chris they walked to a nearby park and sat together on a bench.
Chris continued his explanation"The last time Mr Jones the body guard got close to girls like he did with you yesterday he was very controlling and honestly never loved any of them his twin who is a famous scientist he was married unfortunately his wife died but further information doesn't need to be clarified and personally I get on with him he is a good man but the body guard Jones is a bad person he's a player he's fake he tricks young girls like you into liking him deep down he is two faced lier.please don't be his set of cards he can do tricks and play with.
Jade asked curiously with shock"how did you know he never loved her?"
He replied crying a bit"because he told me he is my body guard partner he told me everything I can't take it anymore he makes me feel physically sick when he proudly and happily goes on about how he cast his dirty little spells to get girls into bed with him that is honestly all he cares about.....honestly I didn't wanna tell you I hesitated at first when I first told you that I wanted to have words with you but I can't just sit back and do nothing that makes me just as bad as him if I didn't warn you I normally don't talk to people I just get on with my work and that's it."
Jade looked down at the ground
Then she spoke"I feel like an idiot."
Chris looked straight at Jade and gave her a bright smile and said"no you're not you seem like a unique flower that's gonna bloom with loads of intelligence and beauty."
Jade stared at him speechless Chris just realised what he actually said and he realised he just made himself very obvious in his heart out of all the girls that worked in this laboratory she was the only first sight crush he ever had that's why he had to tell her but he promised himself he will never break the rule and tell her the way he honestly felt about her but now he said something he shouldn't of said as he searched for something else in his mind to cover up what he said....
Eventually he shyly said with a voice that couldn't be heard" Don't take what I said seriously you do seem like a okay girl to be with but I don't know you that well so it's just my judgement since I don't know you so well but don't call yourself an idiot coz you're not nobody is perfect everybody makes mistakes in their life tbh the body guard Jones used to go to drama university and was an actor for a short couple of years he was naturally good with it but most of his performances he always played a boyfriend role or husband role so it seems to me he is using his skill for the wrong purposes. So you wouldn't to know you can't read a professional actors mind and realised who he truly is do you wanna why you can't?....
Jade nodded her head in reply
Chris sighed and said" because you are human not a machine or lie detector that can find what people are hidding. 
Jade finally spoke"that's true I really grateful you told me"
Chris shyly smiled"that's okay you're welcome."
The sun slowly came up and shine down on the gorgeous ocean the calm waves sparkled like he Chris's eyes they were beautiful.
Chris suddenly got up and said"we better head back now you and I both got work we got to do."
They walked back to the laboratory in silence Chris was walking the exact same step as Jade so she wasn't left behind for some reason she found this so cute of him he was so gentle with his explanations and even though what he said was about how he sees her it wasn't anything serious coz he said it wasn't but she couldn't help notice the way he said it...it was so passionate and seems like he said that with his heart then it broke her inside when he suddenly changed and told her it was just a judgement he had on her she felt as if she had fallen for him at that moment his caring loving face and his soft passionate voice. It was almost perfect till it had to end suddenly as Jade had this thought she was playing with her hair gently at the bottom.
Chris asked"what's up with you?"
Jade answered"nothing."
Chris just laughed with a confused look on his face.
They just reached the front of the laboratory building.
Chris suddenly said"is it okay if you make your way to the second floor where the other scientist goes you'll probably be introduced by Mr Jones the scientist so watch yourself okay I would take you up but I'm on duty this morning so I'll see you around."
Jade said"yea i can take it from here see you around."
Jade left Chris as she walked to the elevator she saw Jake he went up to her but she rushed straight passed him and went into the elevator and got off the second floor as soon she got out a man approached her and introduced himself to Jade" nice to meet you miss charles I'm Mr Jones I'm in charge of this project when my father isn't in the laboratory let me take you into my office to explain what's going on exactly at the moment."
Jade nodded confidently but inside she felt such a strong positive vibe around him she slowly became nervous all of a sudden but trying not to make it obvious but unfortunately all the members in her family all say she is a easy book to read so all she can do and try hide how she is feeling at the moment he gave me a concern look then he put his chin up as they walked to the office and they sat down on the sofa that was in there.
Mr Jones(the scientist) explains the project briefly as possible"so to begin with the reason why this laboratory is here is because we discovered a new source of energy which is a solid and can be made to liquid but only with high degrees of heat this solid we are calling it blagets little black hard solids that produces a high amount of energy. I've heard you are a very intelligent young woman and your teacher informed me that unfortunately you are a shy lady that rather do things independently..."
Jade interrupted"yes that's true but that won't stop me working hard for this project and this company."
Mr Jones(the scientist)said"oh well that's a shame I was going to make a fair agreement with you but if you don't want it then fine go with your peers in the other room." Mr Jones got up then Jade quickly got up and asked"no what is it?"
Mr Jones (the scientist)said" the deal that I allow you to do your own research about the blagets and find as much information about them as possible but unfortunately these blagets are hard to get near a volcano also a far distanced from here we gathered enough for a group research but if you can get one of the body guards to help you collect your own supply of blagets then you may do your own research if you accept this dangerous deal then I'll give you a week break starting today because you had a long journey here but also during that break you need to ask and persuade one of them to help you but if you don't take this offer I'll still give you a break but as soon it's over you'll be working a while with the other peers. So what will it be?"
Jade answered"I'm willing to take the independent challenge."
Mr Jones (the scientist) walked to the door opened it and said"get a good rest and good luck with asking the body guards." He grinned mischievously that gave her uncomfortable chills.
She went to her room and throwed herself onto her bed.
All of a sudden Jade jumped because of a bang,bang and bang on her door...

Hope you all enjoyed the second chapter of my story I definitely be continuing very soon coz I'm typing with tablet that has loads of storage space so I've got no excuses now if you have any ideas you'll like to tell that could make story more interesting then feel free to say apart from that this is still to be continued.....

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