Full moon

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Scarlet asks Chris"how did you get this if I wrote about my journey on the boat? I weren't with you lot."

Chris replies"I....I went out one night outside my parent's house and saw the full moon I decided I wanted to howl at the full moon with Isabel but when I got there her parents said she was allowed out with me but when I asked her she was like I'm too busy then I asked her what are you busy with this time of night but then she ignored me and was writing in a book I noticed it said alpha commandments I realised she rather do that then spend time with me.

So after seeing that I got annoyed and told her fine if you just care about that then why don't you just be alpha yourself you self centre brat and I stomped out of her room then that was when I went back home and from that day on I only saw her just as a friend that was very close to me but then after us being close friends for 2 years I couldn't take it anymore just being trapped within this island and the same living experience every day but mainly as I lost more feelings towards Isabel the more I started thinking about you.

So when I just turned 11 years old that's when I asked my mum and dad if I could go out to the human world but then my mum said no but that same day at night my dad persuaded her and told me later after their discussion I could go out to the human world and explore and be free but I must return when Isabel is 17/18years old and ready to form into an alpha female.

When I got on the boat I remembered my own personal purpose why I'm going out to the human world it was because I wanted to find you and make things right but as a storm approached my boat crashed onto a strange island when I searched for shelter in the unknown island I saw a diary and then noticed it had your name on it Scarlet Lesley Jones.

I gained hope that you might be nearby so I settled down soon after and started reading it and realised you were right about Isabel but I noticed too late and ever since that day I've always kept it and since you had serious feelings about me I started to think about you even more than ever before and started developing feelings for you from then on. I thought I will do my best to find you and apologise and fight for our love.

When I created my own pack of wolf bloods and half of us searched the island to see if you were there somewhere and the rest of the pack fixed the boat and a week or two later we decided you weren't here so we went sailing to try find where you could be unfortunately the boat gets stuck in a whirl pool and I lose control of the boat and not long after struggling the boat got tipped upside down and broke into pieces it was completely destroyed.

Soon after swimming for ages we reached to a mysterious island I lost hope and had a serious depression problem but I wouldn't let that effect my pack and my job but there's definitely one thing that changed about me which is I lost my confidence due to the fact that I lost my one hope of finding you I wanted to make things right so badly it hurt deeply inside of me.

But all of a sudden when I first saw you at the laboratory I had no idea it was actually you but after a while when we first met each other I realised it was you it was a miracle I was so shocked and I remembered the promise I made to your father and myself which is to never let you go again and protect you with all my heart.

But then I realised you were right about everything I'm gonna have to suffer coz of not choosing you the loving,caring and beautiful girl instead of the rude control freak. This is the biggest mistake in my whole life now it's my turn for me to feel how I made you felt when you were little. I guess its true what they say what goes around comes around.

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