Unlocked mystery

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Chris replies with a weak voice"I didn't want to bring this up but now we are heading back to where my parents live this problem is going to make me look like a really bad wolf blood to my family and the whole community..."
Jade quickly questions"what you haven't done anything wrong?"

Chris eyes turns purple and ears get pointy Jade quickly moves away from him and says
"Why are you annoyed what's the matter?"
Jade's eyes turn grey then Chris notices it and his eyes turned violent and he started to cry full of anger and misery.
Jade couldn't handle seeing Chris in this state so she asks"do you have want to be alone right now or should I stay we can talk about it if you want."

Chris just shakes his head then turns his back to her Jade decide to give him time to calm down by himself she leaves the room and goes to the front of the boat. Jade thinks to herself why is Chris upset all of a sudden they were having a great time then he gets upset then mad with her but then she realises he mentioned we are heading straight to his parents just at that moment just realises what's wrong Chris killed his brother what is he going to say when they ask him how's his brother is they know that Charlie visited to see Chris when he started recovering after being in that machine his mother and father paid for him to get that treatment. After having that thought in her head she felt someone standing right behind her she turned around to see Chris there looking out to the sunset she notices his eyes are half silver and half pink she tries guessing in her mind what those two colours mean.

Chris looks at Jade to see her eyes are grey again.
Chris laughs then asks"you are always confused what's wrong?"
Jade answers"guess"
Chris thinks to himself and notices that Jade was looking at his eyes.
Chris asks"is my eyes a different colour?"
Jade replies"yea they are mix with silver and pink."
Chris's cheeks immediately go red then he quickly sits down on a bench nearby Jade eyes still remained grey she sat next to him she didn't know what to say she didn't want to talk about the previous event or what just happened now.

Jade looked at Chris his face was still red and eyes were the same colour but now there was grey in his eyes as well. Chris finally gets back to reality and sees Jade staring at him he looks down for a moment then tells Jade the truth behind his sudden anger,misery and confusion.
Chris tells Jade"I'm sorry for the way I was earlier on I didn't mean for you to get upset and confuse because of my own personal problem but I've calmed down now And have come to a decision to trust you and tell you since the personal problem does involve you in.

So basically when I was born my parents were alpha male and female and back when I was just born there was two sides to wolf blood kind the natural strong side and magical supernatural side my parents were alphas of the supernatural side but my mum and dad decided they find a way to find peace to unite the two sides together instead fighting and having war and also we are all wolf blood but supernatural wolf bloods stay on the left side while natural strong wolf bloods stay on the right side. My mum argued with the alpha male saying we must unite instead of fighting we are all wolf bloods and we are killing each over just power and land this is wrong we must find a way for everyone to live in peace on our island just as one as wolf bloods.

My dad didn't want to argue because it might lead to another war again he wanted to stop mum for his pack sake but my mum wouldn't listen to him she wanted to fight until peace was given. After several tries when one night I went to my mum and saw her howl to the full moon it was my first time seeing the full moon I noticed my mum was upset I sat next to her and we howled together my dad notice us he looked at mum with dark blues eyes but my mum eyes were black.

My dad said he's sorry he only instructed for the safety of pack especially her and me but she ignored him she just looked at the moon my dad walked away while my mum just glimpsed at the full moon I began to howl again my mum smiled that made me feel happy and I ask what's wrong she just whispers so I can hear it doesn't matter but I won't give up on what I believe is right I'll bring peace and happiness for everyone and I remember me saying me too mummy knows best my mum just laughs and hugs me and says I love you Chris I'm so proud to call you my perfect son I will fight for the both of us and I won't give up not while I'm alive. And I said no mum love makes peace and hate makes violence my mum looked at me for a second and says that's it you are right I know how to unite the two sides together you are such a clever boy I sat there confused I just said what I believed but then she takes me to my bedroom and leaves home.

Mystery of revenge or loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ