Revenge:-Deadly heart of hate

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Due to me not being to decide whether to pick love or revenge of the story I'm going to write the revenge version first then I'll do what happens in the love version hope u enjoy the next few chapters of revenge...

As the voice ended their speech Scarlet's father came into the room and his face turned white as snow. He froze a icy glare at the voice person his eyes were grey as the clouds in a winter sky.
Edward shouts at the person"what is the meaning of this Tell me now why is Scarlet in this state Do you have anything to do with this or do you know anyone who did?"
Just after that last question from him Elizabeth stomps in and screams at Edward" Don't u dare blame my girl you have no proof she did such a thing to Scarlet."
Edward argues back" Actually I had no actual intention of blaming your girl without any physical evidence so therefore that's why I asked if she had anything to do with it and if she had any clue what happened to my precious.

She is going through a lot she doesn't need any of your lots negativity in her life she needs to be left alone with the people who love and know her best( he walks up to her and wraps his arms around her then with the other hand he gently started stroking the top of her hair) she doesn't deserve this she did nothing wrong to deserve this I don't even know why you listened to a pair of uneducated kids to decide my precious girl future kicked out of her own family she was the natural choice of being the next alpha female
you disobeyed Mother Nature and her choice of the next alpha generation and now brought chaos into our family which effect our community therefore it's all your fault you didn't follow and obey Mother Nature the one with the most power then all of us and you ignored her over that unnatural so called next real alpha female I knew one day we will all have to pay due to your horrifying deed which isn't fair.

I told you don't listen to them they're just kids they know nothing about the real world around them and the ways of Mother Nature but do you ever listen to only listen to her to satisfy her and her only and no one else. Well I've had enough now I have the rightful heir to the thrown back with me i am going to fix what you originally broke and please the one you disobeyed to and nothing is going to stop me my precious ain't going to suffer no more because of you two and that's finally I should of put my foot down to you a long time ago you broke the connection between me and my only precious little girl you will never break this connection again mark my word I will remove you two from the picture if I have to and believe me I will trust me."

Elizabeth grasped in shock then says to him in an angry tone"Are you seriously unaware you have twin girls not just Scarlet also who are you to threat your own daughter and wife remove us from the picture do you even know what you are talking about don't you dare put your focus on only Scarlet don't forget without me you wouldn't of had her also don't address your own other daughter as her she has a name and if you forgotten it's Isabel not her or unnatural so called alpha if you dare continue this disrespect between us two then I'll remove you out of this house and I'll decide a precious role for dear Scarlet while you're gone you don't have to worry about that

I have more control in this house then you do so you better watch yourself you foolish man that's supposed to be my own so called alpha male. I didn't mean to disobey Mother Nature I thought the signs of Isabel and Chris being close was the work of Mother Nature wanting them to be together instead so don't tell me I don't obey her power. So next time don't blame me otherwise you'll know what will happen you'll be out of this house asap and never ever see your special precious again."

Edward argues" (chuckles angrily you think you have more power of this house you'll see you always think you know best well I'm not saying if you are or not we will just have to wait and see and no why should I keep showing u two respect when you lot never showed any respect for Scarlet so no I won't till you two will show it first and treat and accept that Scarlet is the biological heir to the next alpha female role so if I were you I would think twice before you call me foolish i gave you the alpha female role by mating with you therefore I have the power to take it off you so I believe the only ones who should be watching themselves are you two now leave this room I need to sort out Scarlet."

Elizabeth calmly says"fine if u want to be like that then go a head there's no time to be arguing the mating season is soon and we haven't even fully decided who's the next alpha is..."
Isabel interrupts "I don't mind who it is anymore I understand how important the role is now I've stopped my selfish ways for the sake of the community having the alpha role isn't just about being bossy and powerful then everyone else theres a lot of responsibility with looking after everyone and taking control of everything for the community therefore it's the most important and challenging role to have its a really serious position and it's definitely isn't no fun and games."
Edward says back"Good cause I'm still keeping my word about fixing what was broken now please the two of you be on your way out."

Isabel says" alright if you want that now then mum lets just go now." As the two of them walked out Chris and Charlie came into the room. Edward says to Chris" my dear boy this is such perfect timing I've told my wife and other daughter I'm going to put everything the way it should of been before I'm not blaming you coz you were only a uneducated child so she should of ignored you and followed what was naturally right she didn't then so I am now you and Scarlet will be the next alphas of the whole united community of wolf bloods so now it's our job to get Scarlet to understand her biological role."

Chris replies"of course I won't break our promise of us being the next alphas I know how important this is for everyone I'll follow my heart where it leads darkness or brightness I won't stop till I've reach my destination for our love you don't need to worry about that Edward trust me I'm not losing her again." After him saying that Charlie's eyes turned silver as he looked at Scarlet (he did honestly love her from the first time they met but he had to lie to her so she would hate him and go back for her true love Chris and for the sake of the wolf blood community)

Charlie signed miserably then Chris asked him" what's the matter wiv you bro?"
Charlie replied"I'm fine instead of talking about some one else's future can we at least think logically and help that person instead before anything else don't you agree?"
Chris answers " yea we should do that right away she seems like she passed out..."
Charlie interrupts him" I'll just go get a natural strong wolf blood nurse to help we ain't gonna get any where just observing her ourselves I'll be back so both of you lay her gently on her bed and try and wake her up till I get back. "

Both of the guys nod their head and started picking her up gently while Charlie rushed out of The Royal Natural Strong Wolf Blood's House as he begins to search for the nurse place he wishes in his head for Scarlet to be alright and hopes she will wake up unharmed soon but then he begins to get bad thoughts spinning in his mind what if she doesn't wake up not seeing her bright self anymore seeing every wolf blood struggle without their rightful alpha female he begins to cry how would he continue life without the positivity from the one he loves even if she isn't his girl knowing she's happy and safe makes him happy and that's enough for him. The life of Scarlet lays in Charlie's hands as he looks for a nurse will she be treated in time or will it be don't late for the nurse to wake her up...

Well just have to wait and see whether Scarlet would be alright or not in the next chapter which I'll be doing shortly hope u enjoy this chapter it's not much but it's just showing the break up and separation of the family there will be more tension and drama in the next few chapters thanks for reading any ideas for the next following chapters can be included if u say so. Apart from dat I should be updating over tis weekend hopefully I should be finished with the revenge ending version by tis weekend.

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