Chapter 18: The Journal

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Guys, school is already killing me, so please don't kill me for not updating.


I remembered when I was in school, I was assigned a councilor to aid in my problematic childhood. She had me keep a journal where I was to write anything on my mind, but I only got to write one page, and here is how it goes.

September 13, 2011

Last night was the day in which my mother snapped. She thought that I was sleeping, but I had heard every word in which she said. I loved my father, and so did she, but the things that my father did to my mother was despicable. He made her worry, stress, cry, angry, sad and most of all, feel like she was going insane. So, mother snapped and told him to kill himself.

She said that we were better off without him, that he should just leave us alone... the worst part of it is, she was right. Father was gone for so long that he didn't have time to talk to me, help me with my homework or anything. He was in constant absence from us and in the presence of his so-called friends. My mother, for so many times complained and spoke about it, and he would promise to stop, but the next week, he would do it again.

...maybe we are better off without him and father thought so too.

So today, father is being carted off to the mental asylum to get help. He tried to commit suicide last night. Before he went, he told me that he was going away just for a little while and that to keep my mother sane. I shook my head and let a tear fall from my eyes and answered him back, saying that it was too late. She was too far gone and that it was all his fault.

I went into the kitchen and traced the knife marks from the kitchen counter top. This was where father had broken the last straw. She was to the point that she would destroy the place where, so many candles were blown out on my birthday, where we baked cookies together and mixed cake ingredients.

Today is a sad day, because today is the day in which I lost both of my parents. Today is also the day that I swear to never let anyone treat me like how my father treated my mother, and that if they do, I won't hesitate to kill them.


I also remember not submitting the journal, or even going back to the councilor. I just sat there and allowed mother to cope in her own way and pretend as if I never had a father. And throughout the years, the promise that I had made to myself echoed in my mind, until I decided to shut it out. I guess turning out to be like my mother was inevitable. 

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