The Planning

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(This will be published on all of my currently published books whether they are ongoing or on hold)

Deep within the mind of Author-Chan, there sits an office building. There, within the office building, all of the characters from Author-Chan's books, along with borrowed characters, work on creating new chapters for their stories. Today is business as usual. Mayuki Kitsune sits at her desk going over the ever-changing plot of her trilogy, Eloise is staring at a picture of her beloved Lèòn, Akachi is baking bread for Itachi, Yuki Kimyona is freeing the spirits and the rest of the workers are going about their daily business as they await the updating of their books. However, little did they know that their business as usual was going to be interrupted.

Anne: (Runs into the office space, clearly out of breath) Guys, Author-Chan's birthday is on Monday.

Evangeline: (Rolls her chair back from her desk) Oh no, we forgot!

Eloise: (Snaps her picture of Lèòn down and gasps) How could I forget my own birthday!

Mayuki: Hey! It's my birthday too!

The whole office space erupts into a cacophony of chatter of realization and horror.

Akachi: Quiet guys! We can sort this out if we put our heads together.

Minerva: Well who died and made you queen?

Akachi: I died and made my own self queen. At least my story is being continued.

Minerva: What, after a year of inactivity?

Akachi: Well at least another character didn't get my book. Right, Eloise?

Eloise: Technically, I am the daughter of Minerva, just saying. (Covers mouth) Oops, spoiler alert.

Minerva: Eloise!

Akachi: Soooooo what are we gonna do about Author-chan's birthday?

Lèòn: (Comes in eating a bagel with nothing on it)

Eloise: Senpai! (Rushes over to hug him)

Lèòn: What's the commotion about Elli?

Eloise: Monday is Author-Chan's birthday and we forgot.

Lèòn: Yabai!

Eloise: Language.

Akachi: Anyway, Lèòn... (Gets cut off by Eloise's glare) Eloise, I don't want your man. He's not an Uchiha.

Eloise: (Backs off) Proceed.

Akachi: As I was saying, we need to do something spectacular for the woman that gave us life. I doubt that HE is going to do anything anyway.

Lèòn: (With a mouth full of bagel) Who is this ominous HE? Do you mean Evan?

Everyone (Except Lèòn): (Gasps Collectively)

Yuki: He mentioned the one whose name shall not be mentioned.

Minerva: Omg, shut up. Evan doesn't even exist cause Author-Chan scrapped the book. Remember?

Anne: Oh yeah, I forgot that he doesn't exist anymore.

Eloise: Yeah, that does serve as a grim reminder of what will happen to us if Author-Chan deletes our books.

Mayuki: Well I know that I'll never get deleted! (Cough) 12.7k and 1.06k (Cough)

Evangeline: Shut up, Kitsune. At least our books aren't running off of incest and misguided love between us, our best friend and our cousin.

Sasuke: (Sneezes while pouring a cup of coffee... wastes coffee) Awww man!

Mayuki: Oh, shut up you...

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