Chapter 10: A Yandere is Born

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Today is Valentine's Day!

Not only did I appreciate this holiday for its grizzly background, but today is the day that Lèòn had a surprise for me!

I walked down the corridor of my school with almost a jump in my step. Today was going to be awesome. Arriving at my classroom, I was surrounded by the chattering of everyone, and they either had a basket, teddy or flowers in their hands. I sat down in my regular seat with a huge smile plastered on my face and due to boredom, I put my head on the desk and started to tune into the conversations around me.

The most interesting one came from Kayla, a rather popular girl in my class, and her friend, Layann. They were speaking about giving a junior a box of handmade chocolate and a teddy bear that sang, "I Love You!" I snorted to myself. That was nothing in compare to what I bought Lèòn. I got him a teddy bear with a gift card to buy over $300 worth of videogames inside the tummy!

"Do you think Lèòn would like it?"

At those words, my heart stopped.

"You should ask Psychoise, she's Lèòn's best friend, isn't she?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I don't even know how that weirdo became friends with someone as cool as Lèòn in the first place. I mean come on, she doesn't talk to no one else but him. Did you see how happy she looked when she walked in here? He probably gave her some dollar tree chocolates."

"Shush before she hears us."

I felt a tap on my shoulder that made my blood boil. Not only for her to be brazen enough to suggest asking me, but for calling me Psychoise!

I turned around with a sweet smile on my face that suggests that I didn't hear a word that they said.

"Psy... Eloise," said Kayla with a bright smile on her face. "You're Lèòn's friend, right?

I nodded my head gingerly.

"Do you know if he likes chocolates?"

If I was a normal teen, I would turn around and say that he was probably allergic to chocolate, or that he didn't like teddy bears or something like that. However, I am NOT a normal teen. I was a yandere.

"Oh, yeah, he loves chocolates, especially home-made ones. He likes them so much because they're made with so much love and thought in them," I quietly said.

"One more thing," she said. "Do you think that he is free after school?"

"I'm sorry, but no, we are going to a café for coffee and cakes," I said.

"That's such an ordinary task, Eloise," said Kayla. "Aren't you friends? You can go as friends another day."

I shook my head. That was crossing the line.

Somehow the heavens had opened for her and poured down a blessing on her soul, because just as I was about to snap and start plotting ways in which I would her down. I haven't really killed someone before, but it was really fun doing it in my mind. A junior who I had recognized from Lèòn's class tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a basket with chocolates, a teddy bear, apple cider and a bouquet of flowers.

"Eloise, I don't think that you're a psycho, would you go out with me tonight, please?" he asked while getting on his knee.

"I already promised Lèòn that I would go out with him," I said.

"He said that it was okay," said the guy. I looked around the class and noticed that everyone was staring, and I am sure that I was blushing at this time too.

"Well, I guess so," I quietly said. I gingerly took the basket and placed it on my desk and played with the hem of my uniform skirt obviously flustered at the gesture. Was Lèòn really okay with that?

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