Chapter 6: Another Killer

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There was a time where I was uncertain of my love of Lèòn. That was a dark period of my life where no deaths took place for three months. The school, weirdly, was in hysterics, because there were no deaths. I guess that they were just accustomed to the murders that took place on a weekly basis. So, for three whole months, there were little to no decreases in the school population, because I had fallen out of love with Lèòn. 

The school was on edge in anticipation of a planned mass murder, so you had teachers preparing for school shootings or whatnots. I personally don't believe in senseless killings. To kill someone, they must threaten my relationship with my love... is it love if I don't feel anything anymore?

I let out a sigh in yet another long-drawn lunch. I sat all alone. The loneliness was thick and suffocating. Lèòn was not here to have lunch with me... we were fighting and his presence did nothing but only disgusted me. However, as much as I would want to kill someone, I couldn't point the knife to anyone else but him. I sighed and hung my head low, only for my long brown hair to dip itself in my curry. I slowly raised my head when a white napkin was pushed in my face.

"Oh, it's you," I said in a monotone voice.

"Hey, Eloise," said the individual. The sound of a chair dragging across tile disgraced my ears and I groaned in annoyance. There he sat in front of me. Short brown hair, with the front curled back into a stubborn cow lick and the other strands obediently lying flat against his round head. His dark brown eyes that hid behind his glasses held a smile in them, and his nose scrunched up, causing his glasses to twitch.

"Yes, Valentino," I said, then shoveled a spoonful of the spicy goodness into my mouth.

"I was just saying hello," he said while resting a plate of food on the desk. "You look lonely there."

"No, I am fine all by myself," I snorted out. "Everyone is afraid of me anyway."

"That's just rumors," he said while opening his plate to reveal boiled vegetables and what looked like baked chicken strips. "I don't think that hanging out with you would lead to my demise. No one had died in three months. Besides, only girls are murdered."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"So, what happened between you and Lèòn?" he asked. My appetite suddenly excused itself and I slammed my plate shut.

"Because, I can't murder 30+ people in two days!" is what I wanted to say, but instead, my mouth spilled out," He doesn't respect neither me or my feelings."

"Is that so?" asked Valentino while popping a potato in his mouth. "I can respect you and your feelings. Let me show you."

I raised a brow at him, "Lèòn and I are still together, yanno."

"I don't care," he said with a smirk.

"They call me Psychoise, you might die," I said while crossing my arms.

"And?" he challenged.

"You might die," I said, even though that was highly unlikely. I was the killer, and besides, I like Valentino, he was nice to me. Suddenly, my heart throbbed and I grabbed my chest.

"I'll take that risk for you," he said, "Let me take you out."

"You're going to kill me?" I asked dryly.

"Never," he said with a huge smile before popping a carrot in his mouth.

"We can go as friends," I sighed.

"Fine by me!" he said while laughing. "Eloise and Valentino, huh? You free on Saturday?"

Saturday was when I hung out with Lè... I shook my head, "Sure."


Saturday had rolled around, and I still hadn't spoken to Lèòn properly. It was scary how I was killing a girl every week for interacting with him, now I have no drive to even speak to him. What's going on with me? Is it that I was tired of him discounting my feelings? Or is it that I had realized that I have little to no control over him?

I picked at the hem my blue and white summer dress and tapped my heels on the floor and I lost myself in my own mind.

"Eloise," said my mother snapping me out of my thoughts. The phone was shoved into my face.

"I think you should get ready to come by me," said a rather familiar voice at the end of the phone. My mood was soured at that voice.

"Why, Lèòn?" I asked.

"Because Valentino is dead," he said. "I'm picking you up in 30 minutes, get ready. We need to work our relationship out."

"Fine, whatever," I said then hung up the phone.

So, there's another killer huh?

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