Chapter 3: Strike 2

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Thanks for all of the reads and votes and comment. Please excuse any mistakes ^.^

"Because I said so... that and I'm too short to reach the panel box to read which one is which," said Eloise as she proceeded to unlock the backdoor. "I thought Sebastian would have unlocked this before he left," she said mostly to herself, but intentionally loud enough for the boys to hear her.

"Fine," said Kirkwood while folding his arms. "But If I die, she did it."

"Shut up," said Eloise quite irritated.

Around the back of the house was as dark as a demon's soul. Eloise and Kirkwood rounded the corner of the house, their eyes straining to capture the bit of light that was peeking through the trees of a deep forest that lie behind the house.



"Why don't you get the government to cut all of this bush down?" asked Kirkwood as he surveyed the area.

"Why don't you get a girlfriend and leave my man alone?" I retorted.

"Why are you so salty?" he asked.

"You know," I said. "I get so scared when you guys take him away from me at night. It's just me at home, in the dark, by myself, surrounded by bush and the neighbors can't hair anything... you know there could be a killer in the house," I then whispered, "And no one would know."

Kirkwood immediately stiffened at my words. "What're the odds of that though?" he said then played it off with a chuckle.

"There are many odds, don't forget all the deaths that has happened around Lèòn over the years," I said as-a-matter-of-factly, "What if I'm being plotted against? What if I'm the next Layann? What if YOU are the next death?"

Kirkwood began to shiver.

I chuckled as I put my hands behind my back and pulled on a pair of the many dozens of dancing gloves that I owned. "You know, Kirkwood, I hate you the most out of all of my Husband's friends. You always used him for rides to and from parties and the clubs when we were in college, and don't you think that I forgot that time that he was supposed to go to the moves with me and you convinced him to go with you instead."

He stopped trudging through the tall grass. "I'm sorry, Psy...Eloise."

"Kirkwood," I simply said. He turned around to look at me, however, he didn't get a chance to say anything. "Die."

I had pushed the biggest kitchen knife that I had owned into his heart. Thick, crimson blood began to stream out of the wound and his mouth. He looked like he was going to cough, so I stepped aside to dodge the blood that was going to be spewed over me.

"I hope that you find a friend in the afterlife to drive you around," I said before turning around and making my body shake. I concentrated a bit and made big tears stream out of my eyes and fixed my face like a child whose loli had been stolen out of their mouths.

"I... I alw... *cough* Always knew *cough, cough, cough* you were a psycho," spat Kirkwood before he finally died.

Through my tears, I smirked. "No, you guys made me a psycho."

Carefully not to get blood on myself, I took off the gloves and knotted them and stuffed them behind a loose brick in the house. The, I cleared my throat and let a blood curdling scream rip through my throat. When I was done, I cleared my now raw throat sniffled a bit.

The grass crunched down with each stride I took in trying to reach to the house. I burst through the back door like a bumbling hot mess with a waterfall of tears streaming out of my eyes and my hair looking like a bird's nest.

"Kirkwood's dead!" I screamed and ran straight into Stan.

"Wait what?" he said while pushing me off of him. I landed on the floor... hard. I growled a bit. He was next. I shook it off and looked at them. Raising my shaking hand, I pointed at the door and sniffed a bit. "I... I was showing h...him where t...the box for the... for the electricity is... and, and, and, and." I burst out in more tears.

"And what, Psychoise?" asked Stan.

If I didn't want my plan to work out like I had planned, I would have lunged at the idiot for calling me that stupid name.

"A man came out of the bush and STABBED HIM!" I hollered before breaking down in more tears. "I ran out of there and to you, we have to leave."

"But the front door is locked," said Josh while shaking.

"We never lock the deadbolt," I said with my eyes 'widened'. "That mean he's in the house and he has the key." Just then, I took two steps back and used my foot to trip a fishing line and a few seconds later, a plant that I had on a little table that was in the adjacent corridor, outside of their line of site, fell and broke.

"WE GA DIE!" screamed both Stan and Josh, and I simply turned my head and smirked,

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