Chapter 16: Fulfilled Promises (Part 1)

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Just in time for October! 



"So, Eloise," said, Aunt Eva, while we sat in the car, "Yuri, Luna, Emily, Jacob, Munroe and Elliot are all waiting for you. They heard that you're coming over."

"I can care less about them," was my response as I watched the rain drops roll down the window.

"Come on," she pressed, "You can't still have that grudge on them."

"After what they did to me, I'd be a fool not to," I replied.



"Eloise!" shouted a boy with short, wavy hair and a bright smile at me.

"Yuri," I shouted at him as I waved towards him.

"Bye!" he shouted.

"Bye!" I shouted back as I hopped into my dad's car.

When we got back home, I checked my phone and saw that I had received a message from the boy. Well it was most likely because he was closer to home and I lived all the way in Amber falls, Lake Manor.

Yuri: Hey

Eloise: Hey

Yuri: You were funny today

Eloise: I don't think that our teacher likes my attitude though

Yuri: Maybe I like it though

Eloise: Maybe I like yours

Yuri: Maybe I like you

Eloise: Maybe I like you too

After that, he didn't respond. Nevertheless, my fourteen-year-old heart was bursting at the seams. The next day, I couldn't wait to see Yuri, with his short, wavy hair, almond shaped, slanted eyes, pale skin and slanky figure. I had loved him for years now, and finally, he was going to be mine.

"Evan," called my mother who looked as exhausted as ever, "Do me a favor and carry Eloise to school, she wants to go early."

"Let's go, kiddo," said my dad as he grabbed the keys to the car and ruffled my hair.

"Dad!" I whined, "You're gonna mess up my hair!"

The car ride was extra-long, seeing as I couldn't wait to see Yuri. When I got there, we would have extra time to hang out, because we would both be there early.

As soon as Dad stopped the car, I hopped out and ran straight to the pavilion. I was so happy to see him and get to chat with him face to face. Finally, we can get to tell each other how we really feel.

However, none of that was ever going to happen. Under the pavilion sat Yuri and Luna who were in the middle of an intense make-out session. Tears flow from my eyes as I turned and fished my cellphone out of my bag. With tears blurring my vision, I dialed the number to my father's phone and pushed it to my ear.

He picked up on the second ring with a concerned hello.

"Daddy," I sobbed, "I don't feel good, come back for me please," I pleaded.

"I'll be right there," he said.

Balling my eyes out without a care as to who was watching, I walked to the front gates and waited for my father to save me from this cruel place. Ignoring the questions of the school's patrol, I hopped into my father's car and balled my eyes out until I fell asleep. Father never asked me a thing.

The next thing I knew, I was in my bed, staring at the darkness that filled it. After some time of staring, I got up and decided to go for a drink of water.

When I got into the kitchen, the light was already on. Apparently, my mother was in the kitchen, drinking a glass of wine. Perhaps, waiting for my father to come back home from wherever he was.

"Child," said my mother as I passed her to get to the refrigerator, "If you're gonna kill someone, make sure your prints aren't on the weapons, the blood doesn't get on you, and you have an alibi."

I slowly closed the fridge door.

"I'll keep that in mind," I said as I walked off with my glass of water. I'll keep that in mind if I ever wanted to kill Yuri and his friends. That's if I could ever kill anyone.


"Eloiiiiiisssseeee," sand my aunt, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry," I said, "I was just thinking about what happened. I think I will visit my father as well."

"Just don't let your mother know," she mused.

"Like she says, always have an alibi," I replied.

"I don't know how that connects, but okay," she said. It went quiet.

Maybe, seeing as I can actually kill someone, I should fulfil my promise to my mother.

"So, Eloise, tell me what happened," asked my aunt Eva.

"It all started when..." 

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