Chapter 13: My New Umbrella

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Hey guys, I have decided to continue Psychoise as to relieve stress, so expect more updates. Thanks for reading!


"Eloise!" called my mother as she entered out home.

"Yes," I answered her as I sat cross legged in my bed, stabbing at a doll that looked like a certain blonde hair gardening tool, with a hair pin. I rolled my eyes. That mother of mine is always wondering about.

"You have a package," she enlightened.

A package for me? I thought about it for a while, then it hit me. MY PACKAGE!

I ran down the steps of my home and towards our dining table.

"Hello mother," I rushed out, then grabbed the long, brown box that had confidential on it in bold, black letters and sped off into my room.

Grinning like the mad woman I was, I took the pin that was resting next to the partially mutilated doll and ripped through the tape that held the box closed. You would think that more secure packaging would be implemented for a dangerous weapon such as this.

As soon as I was able to remove the tape, I delved into the packing peanuts and bubble wrap to reveal a rather beautiful, baby blue umbrella that had a straight, hilt like handle. The handle was engraved with two dragons that swirled around it. It was a hassle getting it here, but I did it. When there is a will, there is a way. I must remember to thank Joe from the yandere café in Shibuya, who was also a rather seasoned black marketer.

"I think that I should test this bad boy out," I said to myself with a smirk. Again, I descended my staircase, this time, with umbrella in hand. "Mom, I'm going to make sure that this thing opens."

"Yeah, just don't do It inside of this house, you'll attract bad luck," she called back.

"Okay," I said as I opened the front door to reveal a rather sunny and hot evening. "Now for the final test." I pushed on the umbrella, and like a majestic peacock, the umbrella opened and shielded my face from the harsh rays of the evening sun. "This is delicious," I said while licking my lips, then went back inside.


It was the fourth day of school, and it was already storming. My trusty umbrella hasn't let me down yet, and I refuse to let anyone walk under it. I checked my phone. My mother was supposed to be here in about 45 minutes. I pulled my hood over my head and pulled my jacket tight against my body, which shielded my appearance.

I suppose that I can't wait out in the rain for 45 minutes, so I decided to sit under a large gazebo that was in seclusion from the other school. I hummed to myself as I realized that other people had decided to wait under the gazebo. I sighed, you would think that it being around 9pm, people would be home by now, and to top it off, they were obnoxiously loud.

I just pushed my headphones in my ear, but not turn my music up to the loudest it can go for security reasons. For about 10 minutes, the group of idiots spoke about the college's most recent party. The one in which Lèòn went to.

"Oh, Lèòn could have gotten any girl he wanted," was what caught my attention. My heart jumped as I gripped the handle to my umbrella tightly in my sweaty palms. I breathed in and out to calm myself. I promised myself that I wouldn't kill anymore.

"Right, and that time when we went to Hops and he tore up the place," said the fat sloppy one. My heart rate was by now going off the charts and my blood lust was increasing. "If only he would break up with that Psychoise."

I smirked to myself. Well, a promise is a comfort to a fool.

I stood up and grabbed the hilt to my umbrella.

"Oh, sorry miss," said that fat, sloppy SOB, "We didn't mean to disturb you."

"No, that's fine," I said, "You wouldn't have to worry about disturbing me anymore," I said with a devilish smile on my face. I grabbed the wet fabric to my umbrella and I grabbed the hilt, and pulled them apart, revealing the shiny blade to a katana. This... this is what I was waiting for.

There as a sharp clap of thunder and in that, I set off. My sneakers created hard tension with the wet floor of the gazebo as I dashed straight towards that sloppy piece of crap. In a matter of seconds, my katana had found itself lodged deep into his fat stomach. I twisted the blade and swing my arm right, slashing through his organs and body.

I turned to the girl who he was talking to and said, "You're next." She was glued to her place in fear, which was something I relished. I brought the blade up and swiped it across. The katana made a clean cut through her neck and it wasn't until a few seconds until her head lolled off of her body and landed into a puddle, making a huge, bloody splash. I turned to the last survivor. "On your mark... get set... run," I whispered. Then dashed off to him, ramming the katana into his heart. "Too late, I win!"

Taking deep breaths, I held the katana out into the pouring rain, washing it off. I then pushed it back into the umbrella, opened the umbrella and walked away, leaving those idiots to their demise.

That should teach them No more going out for Lèòn anymore.

I didn't stay up for the news that night, knowing that I had an alibi and my mother would cover for me anyway. I really should stop killing people, but I hate them so much.

Well, such is the life of a yandere. 




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