Chapter 14: Ash Must Die

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To get the full understanding of this chapter (even though you don't necessarily need to) Check out the Ash Must Die short stories in my Random Book.


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Mom had left me to clean out the attic while she was gone. It feels like forever since I was up here, seeing as when I was smaller, she would tell me that a headless mannequin lived up here. I wonder why she didn't want me to be up here.

As I was moving some of the boxes, I tripped and fell, causing the boxes and their contents to spill all over the dust covered floor. I coughed, seeing as the box made a small dust cloud upon contact with the floor. As I began to pick up the contents, I realized that they were knives and journals with old photos. There was one of my mother and my aunt, Eva. They were standing together and smiling with degrees in their hands. Mother's pregnant belly caught my attention. I had forgotten that she became pregnant with me a few months before she graduated. I supposed that my father had taken the picture. I smiled as I looked at my mother. Everyone said that I looked like her in every shape and form. In this picture, she isn't the alcoholic, condescending, short of patience woman that she is today.

I picked up another photo. I had only recognized three out of the four persons that were in the photo. There was my mother, my father, aunt Eva and a girl that I didn't know. I turned the photo around and found that there was writing on the back. It said, "Fourth Semester, Minerva, Evan, Eva, Ash."

I furrowed my eyebrows. I've never heard about Ash from either mom, dad or aunt Eva.

I put the picture in the box and went to pick another one up, when my eyes wondered to a piece of paper that was neatly folded. I opened it and began to read. It said:

Dear Minerva,

                         It is true that I fell in love with Evan. He was so nice, smart, handsome, caring and just... perfect. It's also true that I knew that you loved him, but I am selfish. I tried being your friend in hopes of you rooting for me and Evan, but it seemed like that was futile. The more I seemed to become your friend, the more I found out that Evan was leaning more towards you.

                        However, now that I've come to know you and your true intentions and the ways in which you were pulling Even towards you, I realized that I could not let you have him. A yandere does not deserve senpai. However, now that you have finally won over Evan by becoming pregnant with his child, I supposed that I should back down. Nevertheless, knowing the madness that resides in you, I would not give you the satisfaction of killing me, for you know that if I am alive, there's always a chance that he comes to me, no matter how slim it is.

                       I, will hereby kill myself to rid you of the satisfaction of killing me. May you and your unborn child and your soon to be husband live a happy and misery free life together, and may your child turn out to be JUST LIKE YOU. May it be heartless towards everyone but its lover and indulge in senseless murder to get what it wants. I hope your sins fall on the child.

Yours truly,


Suddenly, I heard the door being opened and I hurried and pushed the stuff back into the box.

"Eloise!" called my mother. I quickly pushed the boxes in the corner and made my way down the stairs.

"Hello, mother," I greeted.

"Have you started to clean the attic?" she asked as she rest the shopping bags on the kitchen counter.

I gulped. Was she hiding the fact that she used to be a yandere from me for a reason?

"Y... yes," I stammered, "But only a few boxes."

"That's fine," she said then sighed, "I don't need it cleaned anymore."

"Okay," I answered, then headed to my room. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Ash's words echoed through my head. I hope your sins fall on your child. I hope that your child turns out to be just like you. All this time, I thought that something was wrong with me, why I killed so much, why I would do anything to keep Lèòn to myself.

I blinked back tears. It's mom's fault that I'm like this. I inherited her psychotic ways. However, what hot me most was that the rumors were true. My mom was indeed a killer.

A knock on my door caused me to shoot up.

"Ellie," called my mom, "We need to talk now."

"I don't need to talk," I called back, "I'm fine."

"Eloise, I'm not any of your little friends or that boyfriend of yours, open this door for your mother or I'll knock it down," she ordered.

I rolled my eyes, "It's opened anyway."

My mother pushed the door opened and in her other hand, she was holding a piece of paper.

"Did you read this?" she asked while holding up the paper.

"What's that?" I asked, knowing fairly well what it was.

"Don't play stupid," she grunted. "This was found outside of the boxes in the attic. Did you read it?"

I hung my head low, and whispered a soft, "Yes, Ma'am."

She sighed and walked over to my bed and sat down. "I assume you hate me now? Knowing that I'm a killer?"

There was a beat of silence. I don't know what to say.

"You know, before, I was an assassin that was hired to kill your father, but I fell in love with him and I was an orphan that was only trained to kill. I didn't know what to do or channel my feelings. This was the first time that I was in love. So, I did what was natural for me and went to eliminate Ash. Your aunt Eva was an assassin too..."

"Mom," I said, cutting her off, "Why didn't you tell me? I was bullied most of my life and I defied those who were telling the truth. Eventually, they started to directly target me with the rumors, and eventually, the rumors became true." Tears began to stream down my cheeks, "Mom, I... I kill people," I whispered before breaking down in tears, "They don't deserve to die, but I get so mad, and I begin to think that they're going to take him away from me, so I have no other choice, but to kill them. I don't like killing people."

My mom rubbed my back as sobs wracked my body.

"I had a feeling this day would come," she said. "Did you remember what I told you?"

"You tell me many things," I respond when I was calm enough to talk.

"When I was drunk and was reciting the Assassins rules," she specified.

"Don't let your fingerprints get on anything, don't be seen, don't be heard, have an alibi, and don't get blood on you," I whispered.

My mother let out a chuckle. "Good, as long as you remember those rules, you'll be fine."

I looked at her with pure confusion in my eyes, "You're not gonna stop me?"

My mother shrugged. "Why should I? It's in your blood to kill. I'm going to start dinner. Come down when you're ready."

I watched my mother as she left my room and the door open. She always does that.

I looked at my hands and sighed. It's in my blood to kill.



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