Chapter 12: Strike 0

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Found a free computer at school to type this (hope no one notices that I am NOT doing work) xD.


Stepping over the crimson body of my husband's now deceased friend. Suddenly, stopping in my tracks and remembering something, I walked over to the medicine cabinet, being careful so as to not to step in the puddle of blood that was already forming on the white ceramic tile. Rummaging through the cabinet, I smiled when I found what I was looking for, which was the rubbing alcohol. Wetting a few plies of toilet tissue, I carefully maneuvered around the blood and wiped the handle of the kitchen knife in the event that my fingerprints were on it from previous use.

Quietly, I tiptoed through the dark hallway of my home, the home that my lover and I had built and create together. How dare they try to destroy my home?

"PSYCHOISE!" sang Josh as I heard his heavy footsteps echo throughout the place. "I am going to kill you and free Lèòn from you."

"And I am going to free this world from your uselessness," I quietly said.

The dark filled my eyes as I could barely make out anything; nevertheless, I would take this as an advantage. This was my house, the house that I had built with my love, and I'd be stupid if I allowed any greasy pig to take my life in it.

I felt as if I was playing an extensive game of hide 'n seek, and both of us were the murderer. The last knife had turned hot in my gloved palm as I anticipated seeing that poor excuse for a human within every turn I make. After all of these months of planning and growing tired, I was finally going to kill the last of Lèòn's friends, the toxic ones at that too. I thought that the day would never come when he was to leave me alone with them. Yes, I had the chance to kill them one by one, but that was a mundane me, that was the old me. I haven't killed anyone in two years, the amount of time Lèòn and I had spent building new lives together in a new place. Everything was going fine until they decided to show up and follow us from college. I gripped the knife. My life was going to be perfect again. I am going to fully put my yandere ways away after this.

Poking my head around the corner, I saw a repulsive looking prince with his back turned to me. Smiling, I slowly and quietly stalked towards him with another knife in my glove cladded hand. "Looking for me?" I asked, then plunged the knife in his back. He screamed a blood curdling scream, which made me question as to why the neighbors hadn't come over to check as yet. I watched as he staggered forward and I removed the knife and plunged it in his back again, and again, and again.

"You caused this!" I screamed. "Lèòn and I were fine without you following us here!" The knife entered his back as if it were hot steel, and his body was soft butter. I began to laugh maniacally as his white shirt began to get stained with his crimson blood. Then down he fell like a mighty oak onto the floor of the hallway. I then let out a high pitch, blood curdling scream.

"No leave me alone," I yelled. "HELP!"

Clearing my throat, I turned away from the body panting heavily. I threw the knife on the floor and turning on my heels, walked the other way. I was done. That was the last murder. No more will be after this. Now all I had to do was get away with it.

"HELP ME!" I screamed.

Taking off the gloves and bounding downstairs with them in my hand, I went straight for the back door. When I got to the back door, I ran a ways and intentionally tripped down in a pile of dirt. When I got up, I took some of the dirt and smudged it on my face and pull my neat pony tail out of my hair, and ruffled it, making it messy. Rubbing my knees against the grass, I smeared grass stains on my now dingy nightgown. Then for the hard part. Taking a rock, I hit my knees with it and dragged it along my otherwise smooth legs, making scrapes and ridges. Closing my eyes and preparing for the pain, I dragged the rock against my palms making them raw and bloody. Hope this heals well. I got up quickly and ran again, falling down, this time by mistake, and bruised my elbow. Shaking my head, I got up again and rushed to the loose cinder block with my other pair of gloves. Taking them out, I tied them to the other pair pushed them into a loose cinder block that was a bit hard to reach for me. If the police had dogs, they would not be able to smell or reach them and the cinder block and by the way the block looked as if it were intact the police would not know to check there.

I looked at the cold and stiff body of Kirkwood, scoffed and continued to do what I was doing.

My heart began to race when the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway along with a few police sirens. I cleared my throat and started to sniffle. Soon enough, tears were streaming down my dirty face. Taking a shoe off, I placed it face down in the dirt. And ran off to the dog house that was left buy the previous owners. Crawling inside, I pulled my legs up to my chest and continued to keep the tears flowing.

"ELOISE!" I heard after five minutes of being in that position. The sound of leaves and grass crunching alerted me that Lèòn was now in the back yard. "ELOISE DON'T DO THIS TO ME!" he screamed.

Clearing my throat, I called out, "LÈÒN!"

"Eloise," he said.

I crawled from my hiding place and ran into his arms. Burying my face in his chest I continued to bawl my eyes out.

A few minutes later, I heard the grass crunching again.

"Three are dead," said another voice. I peeked behind Lèòn to see a few police officers around the house.

"Miss, the neighbors alerted us that there were screams coming from your home," he said while taking a pad and paper out. I nodded. "I know that this is a difficult situation, but, please tell me what happened."

"Someone was in the house and they were trying to kill us all," I said between sobs. "They had on a mask. The lights turned off when I was I the tub so I called Kirkwood to come with me to check it out and when we came to the box, a person sprang out of nowhere so I ran inside to warn the others. When I turned back, Kirkwood was not there. The others panicked and told me to hide, so I went upstairs with them and hid in my room, but he found me. I managed to escape outside where I fell. Then I heard a scream of one of the others, that's when I hid in the dog house."

"Thank you ma'am. We in fact have a serial killer on the loose," said the officer. "We wouldn't have to take you in seeing as your story matches with others in the city. If I were you, I would move in case he strikes again. We can offer you protection, but I believe it's best to move cities or even countries in general."

I nodded. "Okay thank you officer." I watched as the officers took pictures of the body and spread caution tape around.

"You are one persistent woman," said Lèòn. "I'm starting to think that we are invincible against death.

"Well, I had to protect our baby," I said with a weak smile.

"Wh...What?" asked Lèòn with shock written all over his face.

"Lèòn, I'm pregnant," I said.

"Pack your bags, we're moving," he said.

With his back turned and the officers nowhere in sight, I let a huge smile graced my lips. Hopefully that was the last time I encounter death until it's my time to die.


UNEDITED and I am sorry if it seems rushed. 

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