Chapter 24: Drastic Changes

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After that, my head was a blur. Being half dead, I jogged unsteadily all the way to the end, as the pale crescent moon rose. It took a whole day, from morning all the way to night.

Touching the finish line my dimming consciousness barely heard the announcer's voice.

"Second place, Orpheus Regis! The test is now officially over! Two people passed the test!" 

  I fainted, continuing my earlier nap.

After a long, refreshing sleep, I woke up in the infirmary again, with my head pounding like a hangover. This sure is becoming a habit. 

In the Military Conference Hall

"You traitor!" An enraged voice yelled. 

Wavy, golden locks of hair, matching colored eyes and youthful appearance despite being over 40 years old. Despite looking absolutely furious, he still managed to pull off the handsome youth look, completely irresistible kind of guy. Typical traits of the Licht family. 

That man was the head of the ranked one cornerstone family Litch, Gabriel Konig Licht. Incidentally, he was also the most powerful man in this country's military, the one and only Führer and the father of Michael.

The supposed-to-be magnificent Führer was pushed to the ground, sprawled helplessly on the ground, with an ageless, silver-haired man stood staring at him. The heads of the twelve cornerstone family such as Litheburn and Aer, were present at the top level conference as well. They seated at the edges of their chair, assessing the situation, around the long rectangular table. Normally, Gabriel would be seated at the head of the table and they would start their pretend discussion of what to do, when underneath the table, Gabriel holds all the power.

With dead fish eyes and an impassive face, this intruder used to be a top class general, working directly under the Licht family. Word of the 'Bolt Reaper' has reached far and wide. It was also rumored that his power even rivaled those of the cornerstone families. Hence, that is why none of them were taking any action to help Gabriel. He was far too oppressive to be liked. Each of the heads was carefully preparing to grasp the chance to strike in a way that they would benefit most.  

"I will not kill you... Because I rather not attain the wrath of your bloodlines and it is too troublesome to kill all your family off. However, from this day henceforth, I am the new Führer, the new thirteenth seat. Anyone who wishes to challenge my authority is welcome. But, I will demonstrate true power and show absolutely no mercy towards my enemies."

He uttered with a sharp edge to his tone, freezing everyone up in the room with tension.

Then glancing at each other, the heads saluted, "Heil, mein Führer!", with Gabriel still flabbergasted on the ground of course.

To the new silver-haired man, to Adolf Kaiser.

That day, in the Imperial Calendar 2100, the country Teiton, no the whole world went through the greatest critical turning point that future historians will dub [The Catastrophic Usurption].

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