Chapter 18: Void Part 1

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Where am I? I fainted in pain, didn't I? What caused me to black out again?

Ah, wait I recognized this place, as my eyes adjusted to the murky gloom, I found myself to be in a place I never expected to come back. 

It was a private cinema. A medium sized air-conditioned room, with cloudy soft sofa, projector and a large screen, complete with red colored soundproofed walls as well. The epitome of comfortableness. A place I loved to be in, filled with countless invaluable memories that stabbed my heart everytime I think about them.

Is the movie starting?

A voice resonated out of the speakers, a voice that shook my very core.


The screen flashed a young bright, blonde haired girl with startling emerald eyes, bending as she stared down at me. I, on the screen, was a child. Just an ignorant, childish brat, who did not know better. I was sleeping peacefully, the first time in ages, in a fluffy bed, the first time ever, when she disturbed my beauty rest and roused me forcefully awake, her eyes glistening with excitement.

"What do you think should we play today? I'm so happy, I can have a friend. Finally, I never had a friend my age before."

Aghh, what a nightmare, I can't keep up with her tension. Just yesterday, I was living on the streets, involved in small, petty crimes to keep living. And today, suddenly brought to a rich girl's mansion? 

Well, basically, I'm what you call an orphan. Then, yesterday, I came into contact with the Aer family for the first time.

It was like a tornado. A forceful whirlwind that cannot be ignored, barged into your life, changing it forever, while leaving just as suddenly. I reminisced as the screen showed further interaction between the brat me and that girl.

I was minding my business in a dilapidated old building, sleeping my hunger away, as a high pitched voice screamed out.

"Let me go! I want to go home, you guys are not fun! I thought you will bring me to a fun location? Why do you think I went to all the trouble of following you?"

"Come on, come on, calm down for a while, just stay in here for a while and soon enough we will arrange the necessary transport to bring you somewhere really fun." A slick, sly voice replied.

A case of kidnapping huh? But honestly, how gullible can that girl be? Falling for such an obvious trick... I don't know whether to call that girl dumb or just fearless. Oh wait, if they're coming here, don't I really, really need to get out now? My brain really does not work as well these days. Must be the lack of food.

As I thought that, a girl's face peered straight at me. 

"White hair? How do you have white hair when you are so young? Red eyes as well? So weird?"

Weird? Me, weird? I would consider someone striking up a conversation with a random, homeless stranger just off the bat, someone who follows strangers around with no re way, way weirder. 

"Ah! Wait, you cannot just run straight in just like... That." the slick voiced said, pausing mid-sentence as he saw me. 

And that was how I met Wilhema Schuld Aer. A meeting that will change the fate of my life forever.

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