Chapter 11: Succeed yet again

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Oh right! There was a way easier alternative...

I walked away from the crowd, far enough for them not to see me clearly. Equipping my combat gloves and unsheathing my military grade knife, I went to work.

My first plan was to cut a portion of the electric fence to fashion it to some sort of hook so that I can throw it over the wall and scale it. However, there was the obvious flaw in which the others will not peacefully let me go. Since my gloves and the handle of the knife were electrical insulators, I won't get electrocuted.

However, my stupidity struck me like a bolt out of the blue. Why use such a roundabout method when a much simpler one exists? 

Cutting a hole in the fence that was large enough for me to pass through. But this plan has a risk, I have to be absolutely mindful of the electric fence. If any parts of my body other than my hands touch it, I would be knocked out unconscious for a couple of hours, losing precious time.

Also, the problem of the alarm. If I cut through this, the chances that the alarm gets triggered is high. Oh well, then I'll just throw the commander's word back at them. "There are no rules." Muhahaha, quite a devious plan if I do say so myself. 

Just as expected, the alarm sounded, bursting my ears for the second time in just three days. I hurried the pace and as I succeeded cutting a small opening, I crouched, begging fate not to be cruel, meticulously crawled out. I skedaddled out of there in a flash. Man, military security sure is slack, allowing a recruit to sneak out so easily. Hahaha.

I, who wanted Kaen to burn through the wall quickly, now wanted him to take his time and be delayed as much as possible, for obvious reasons.

Feeling the adrenalin and excitement surged through me, I ran through the forest as hard as my legs would allow. After my head started to rationalize that the end goal was still far, I dropped my pace to a slow, steady jog.  My heart still beating quickly, from the joy of having two of my plans succeed so splendidly. And also the fact that I managed to take revenge at the commander.

Sure, they were minuscule plans, but one day, I will make grand, huge scale plans, large enough to move the world. To make the world a better place. That is after all her dream. But I will be the one to fulfill it.

While getting lost in my own thought, a habit I really do have to fix, a flurry of fist-sized stones hurled towards me. Being unable to dodge it, I blocked myself to best of my ability with my fists which were reinforced by my gloves. But as expected, a couple of them slipped through my guard and ended up colliding with my elbow, stomach and legs. 

One thing I can say for sure. They hurt like hell! Of course, it hurts, you say? But still, though, why can't I ever take a break? Problems, upon problems thrown right at me. 

Thrown at me... Get the pun? Geez, I'm just plain horrible, thinking about this despite the situation I'm in. I apologize for it... Not.

Anyway, I, being trained to handle situations like these, even though I really hate it, reacted immediately. After sinking to my knees and grunting in pain for a second, I clenched my teeth and grappled the nearest tree and hid behind it.

Just in time, more rocks incoming, this time, they crashed against the tree futilely. At least they did not encircle me and fling rocks towards me from all directions. That way, I would not be able to defend. 

That means they're not that smart? What is it? Who was attacking me? There's no way they are veteran soldiers hired to make the test more difficult, they wouldn't make such a simple mistake like this. Then the recruits that slip ahead before the wall? Or some recruits that overtook me? Still unlikely, if there were a group of them working together, they would still surround me. Then a lone one? But multiple rocks were flung, more than two arms can handle. Then an ability?

I desperately scanned the area, while holding my bleeding left arm, trying to calm down my ragged breaths and wild heartbeat. 

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