Chapter 22: Void Part 5

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In front of me, a blonde girl, with emerald eyes, yes, it is that meddler, Wilhema Schuld Aer.

"Papa and Adelind as well? What are you three doing here?" She yawned, "Isn't it midnight?"

"What are you doing here yourself?" I asked in a strained voice.

"Toilet, obviously. What else could it be?" She replied in her normal somewhat obnoxious voice.

"What wrong with you though? You sound weird?" She queried, her head tilted to one side.

As expected, you definitely cannot overlook those airhead intuitive people's instincts. Most of the time, they are inexplicably right on the money. Scary, scary.

Taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry, but I've got to turn down your offer of working for you, after all."

Glaring at me with now wide awake eyes as if I just slapped her, she demanded in a controlled tone.


In reply to that was a shrug and "I'm sorry.", without even meeting her eyes. No way I can meet those straightforward, innocent sparkling emerald eyes right now.

Walking towards me, her hands clung firmly to the bottom of my shirt.

Keeping her eyes firmly fixated on the ground, she shouted,

"Is it because you are the child of the abyss? I heard papa talking to mama about it you know? But I don't care! It doesn't matter, you are my friend aren't you? I know I only know you very briefly, but I had lots and lots of fun for the past month. This is the first time I had a friend who is willing to follow me along! The other noble girls hated what I find interesting. I know I'm a weird person, no one could understand me. But, you are the only one who could!"

Dripping down her face, droplets started to flow, she refused to look up and kept staring downwards, clutching at my shirt tightly.

"...  ...

I got to go. Staying here would just bring you misfortune, I did enjoy my time with you. But please understand."

 After hesitating what to say for a bit, I pleaded, hoping that she would listen so that I would not have to resort to making her hate me for me to leave. Closing my eyes, I barricaded the tears that were threatening to overflow.

Right after I said that a deep voice bellowed from behind me, along with a calloused, large, heavy hand placed on my small, child-sized shoulder, "Who said you are allowed to leave?" 

With a sudden chill going down my spine and every muscle in my body tensing up, I turned my head around.

With a stern face, he coughed into his hand and said, "Like my daughter said, you are her best friend,"

At these words, Wilma, right in front of me blushed beet red, still keeping her face downcast, but this time for another reason.

"So what kind of father would I be if I kicked out her best friend unto the street with no one to take care of him? You are a child, so act like one, you don't have to worry about complicated stuff. People who didn't act like a child when they were one, typically grow up to be twisted adults. So just stay here and worry about nothing."

After he said his piece and looked satisfied with himself, I broke down, all the emotions I have been holding back poured forth. Wilma, with her gentle soft hands, wrapped herself around me.  

Breaking a bit from her grasp, I look towards her and hesitantly asked, "Is it really ok if I stay here?" My voice breaking.

With surprising gentleness, from this tomboy character, she patted my head lightly and assured me wholeheartedly, 

"Of course!" Smiling widely as she said it, with tears trailing down her face. 

At that time, my heart was filled completely with warmth and gratitude, so I didn't think much of it, but she would always find reasons to pat my white hair doesn't she? Does she like it that much? A trait that branded me cursed, a trait that made me an outcast? I wish she would do it again...

And the screen in front of me changed yet again, showing different scenes. By now, I remembered what happened, I got beaten, beaten completely and thoroughly. Hahaha, been such a long time since I lost soundly, I was getting conceited these days aren't I? 

I fainted right? That means this is a dream? Laughing dejectedly, I muttered,

"Of course it's a dream. After all, I can never go back to those days anymore."

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