Chapter 21: Void Part 4

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A flawless sphere of sheer inky darkness expanded exponentially from nothing, consuming absolutely everything equally with no emotion, leaving only oblivion behind. 

In the end, a decent chunk of the corridor along with the three trespassers gone, I lied against the cold marble floor, rubbing my sore chest, with the moonlight fully illuminating through the non-existent ceiling like a spotlight, inviting the chilly night wind to intrude as well.

Yes, that is my power, [Void]. An unexplainable, dangerous phenomenon, not to mention uncontrollable. The last time I used it, an entire warehouse was swallowed with no trace of it left when all I wanted the void to consume was the door so that I could go in and do my job, cough, thievery, cough. 

I really did not want to use it, however, being choked to death with no help coming, what other choice do I have?

I guess I still have the will to live, huh, no, I think it's more like I did not have the courage to die. Contemplating bitterly, I got up.

Now, how am I going to explain this?  Turning around, my previous statement was overruled. 

Help was coming. If only I waited. 

Standing under in the shadow of a undestroyed section of the wall was the head maid. With an immaculately groomed side-swept jet black hair, white and black frilly uniform, half-rimmed glasses resting on top of her delicate nose and most importantly, a pike held in her right arm commanded all attention. 

She stood there, face as aloof as ever, but probably dumbfounded that I have such a dangerous ability. In my case, I was astounded by the fact that she noticed the intruders so quickly. Is she supposed to be hired as a bodyguard? With a maid as her cover? 

Oh yeah, definitely not a maid. I finalized, thinking back to all the times she broke something but was not fired for it, you would never see such a clumsy maid anywhere else.

 Umm... Was her name Adelind again? I really do suck at names. When I finished that thought, she turned, while still brandishing her pike, dashed away in a flash. Literally in a flash, at inhumanly breakneck pace, with forest green lights trailing right behind her.

Back then, I didn't know what it was, but after going to school, I learn that it was magic-induced residual light. Abilities are similar to magic in this aspect, they both give off energy in the form of an afterglow. Remember when Itsuo sword break and disintegrate to a bunch of blue flashes? There was an explanation for it somewhere, though I don't remember it.

By now, you should be able to reason and connect that speed to being her ability.

Just when I thought that she would pretend that nothing happened and go back to sleep, she came back... With the master of the house in tow.

I'm so going to get kicked out, aren't I? Ahh, time for me to find a new place to crash... It was good while it lasted, I guess. Should I run away now?  No, not possible to run with that maid around. He won't kill me for this, would he? No, no, no way, he is a kind and benevolent man... Right?

While my mind was running wild delusions, a single line cuts through all muddled thoughts and exorcised my dread, instantly charging me with confusion.

"I knew it." In a grim tone, he confirmed.

"Knew what?" I automatically asked. When someone says something as cryptic as that, what else can you do?

"You are a child of [Void] after all. It has been said since long ages gone, children with the power of the abyss have snow white hair and due to lack of pigment in the eyes, they have eyes the color of blood. So, after you took your first decent bath and your garbage peppered hair got rid of its rat grey sheen, I was suspicious." He continued, furrowing his eyebrows, with a solemn expression you would wear at someone's funeral.

A few unbearable silent moment passed by, reminding me of the common saying, the calm before the storm.

Breaking the silence, I threw a preemptive statement.

"I...I apologize, I didn't mean to hide it. Of course, I will go out at once. Thank you for all your hospitality so far." Stuttering, I moved, hoping to be able to leave before he blew his top.

A long time ago, a man told me. Who he is, I don't know, but he told me, a child of abyss like me, will never find a place to fit in, always an outcast and always treated as a ticking, walking misfortune. Come to think of it, he also had white hair? And after a couple of times using the power in front of people, I confirmed what he said to be true. All those who see it became prisoned by their fear and drive me out in rage.

So, I probably couldn't bear it.

Neither the guilt of having betrayed them by keeping something so dangerous as a secret nor their reaction towards it.

If the family that treated me ever so kindly, twisted a hundred eighty, and chase me out furiously, my heart would probably no longer be able to take it. I would most likely break down. With my eyes lifeless and heart frozen, similar to that man who advised me.

The moment, I walked right next to him, a voice rang out.


Hell! I definitely, hundred percent ranked somewhere close at the bottom in terms of luck.

Beside me, her father stiffened up considerably, probably stimulating how to explain to his stubborn daughter why I am leaving.

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