Chapter 19: Void Part 2

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"Wait, wait for a while, milady, I will get rid of this street urchin at once." He continued, his tone hinting violence.

Two large, burly men, accompanying the notably thin sly man, came into view from the entrance. Cracking their knuckles, with an impassive face, both of them approached me.

"Wait, don't get rid of this boy. He was in the building first. We cannot just kick him out of his own house. It is not right."

Turning to me, she inquired, "Is this your home? Can I stay in here for a while? It seems that these men here will bring me to somewhere interesting if I stay here for a while. Is that fine with you?"

Being questioned, I opened my mouth to speak, however, at that moment, I was ravaged by a violent cough. I desperately covered my mouth and moved away from her.

I was afraid. 

Afraid of the judgemental, disgusted look that people give me when I, a homeless beggar coughed. But why should I even care how a single girl acts?

Facing her, I was surprised.

Genuine concern etched into her face, she, unhesitantly, placed her hand on my forehead, probably checking for my temperature.

The thin man, on the other hand, acted in accordance with the standards of normality. Throwing me a nauseated look, he warned her out loud.

"No, don't touch him, or even get close to him. He would spread his disease or something."

Ignoring him, she concluded.

"Your temperature is definitely quite high. You need to go see the doctor. Hmm... Since it can't be helped, let me bring you to the doctor. By the way, you need to clean yourself, you stink way too much and your white hair will definitely look prettier if you wash it clean, it will probably be like snow, pure white snow. Also, let me touch it later afterward."

Her eyes continued to sparkle with innocence and excitement.

Hahh... You just want to touch my hair? Going through all this just for that?

"So, in any case, I'm sorry old man. I can't accompany you today, I got to bring this boy to the doctor. Maybe next time."

She airily told him.

"You think, I will just let you go away just like that?" The man said in a low voice, his face growing tumultuous by the second, finally revealing his true colors. 

I opened my mouth the first time in ages, and obviously, it is to douse her in criticism. If her parents are not here, the least I could do is to do it in their place. Plus I just need to vent my anger towards her for getting me tangled into a complicated mess.

"You idiot! Of course, these people are not going to take you somewhere fun! Even a five years child would know better. You look to be around eight. Geez, it's apparent that they are trying to kidnap you! How gullible can you get?"

I ranted on in a raspy voice, not able to keep it in me any longer. Why should I even care though? Even if I die, it doesn't really matter. 

In response, she smiled sheepishly and said.

"Ah, you finally talked, I was worried that you were mute and I was being completely insensitive to you. Thank goodness. For some reason, lots of people complained about my lack of delicacy."

I really do not wonder why, I thought silently, too tired to make an interjection.

"Enough chattering! Oi, you two knock her out and tie her up and get rid of the boy, we must not keep any witnesses alive after all."

He said coldly.

The two men continued to approach us. 

"Hey, hey, hey, I won't hold back if you keep coming you know? Do you even know who I am? I am part of the cornerstone family Aer." She said, puffing her chest out proudly.

"Of course we know who you are, why do you think we go to all the trouble to kidnap you? These two guys used to be part of the army you know? You think they are just going to lose to a child?" He snickered.

Waving her right arm, a blade of wind formed and traveled horizontally straight to those two men. It flew with enough force to produce a gust of wind blowing the opposite direction, complete with the with the wind rustling sound, showing the great amount of force stored in the wind. However, one of them stretched out his arm, pointing his palm out towards the wind blade.

Just like that, the wind disperses into a small whirlwind, with the wind scattering in all directions harmlessly.

 Is that his ability?

"Hahaha, such a perfect deterrent to your family famous [Wind Blade] don't you think so? Well, since one of you is going to die and the other is going to get kidnapped, I don't mind telling you. His ability is [Dispersion]. He can disperse any sort of attacks of nature, whether it be fire, water or wind. And his brother, on the other hand, have the ability, [Corporeal Scattering], any physical attack would be for naught towards him."

"Now, do you still exercise any possible notion of escaping?" He sneered. 

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