Chapter 3: Hot-headed Stereotypes

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"Kyahahaha! Taste my fire, burn, burn, burn to nothing, till there's nothing left! Hahaha!" A shout rang out in the chilly night air, snapping everyone's attention on him. A red-haired recruit jumped out magnificently out of the debris, spinning horizontally in the air while delivering a downward punch aimed towards the golem.

Now what? Is another idiot rushing towards their death? isn't one of them already enough? What is he even doing, if you start swinging few meters in the air away from the golem, there is absolutely no way you can hit him.

"Get out of the way you weakling, time for me to take the stage." He shouted. 

Idiot number 1 glared at idiot number 2's entrance, wanting to interject back. Nevertheless, he jumped back out of the way. Goosebumps forming on his skin, instincts screaming at him to run. as a thought ran through his mind.

Those eyes, definitely do not belong to someone sane. 

As the red-haired idiot was halfway across his swinging motion, a curtain of flames began to form right above the golem. The flames followed his fist, bringing down a judgemental wall of flames upon his enemy. Completing his motion, he landed perfectly without a scratch. 

The inferno lasted for a few seconds.

"Kyahahaha, no one can even survive that. I'm the best as always, I will make the name Kaen Litheburn resound across the country. Kyahahaha!" He exclaimed, posing his hand up in the sky, looking like a champion.

"You, you could have killed me what the hell was you even thinking, or more like I bet you weren't even thinking you adrenalin junkie." A voice soaked with irritation shot out.

How ironic, I thought, the pot calling the kettle black. Who was the one charging out as well a couple of minutes ago?

Kaen, giving a dismissive sigh, "Oh, you were the weakling that couldn't even take care of a single golem, shoo, shoo, get yourself treated or something. Don't rain on my parade." Kaen gestured as if trying to get rid of a fly.

Ha! How do you feel now? Treated like a pest just like I was a couple of minutes ago.

My shoulders loosening up with evaporating tension, as my attention snapped to Itsuo

"Don't relax yet! Get out of there now!" He yelled as he leaped from the scene immediately

"What are you talking about? Nothing can stand my fire." Kaen boasted openly.

After the flames died out, the golem was charred black, sprawled on the ground, unmoving with its crimson eye extinguished. However, the lights flickered on once again, its rigid and burnt body moving slowly but surely. It rose up to its towering height yet again.

A bunch of gasps escaped from the onlookers, a blanket of despair buried them on the spot, locking their movement. Kaen's knees buckled under pressure as he attempted to change direction so suddenly, inviting more gasps. Kneeling down helplessly under such a monstrosity regaining its bearings, his expression distorted to that of a human when his miserable, pathetic life flashes before his wide peeled eyes. 

He's terrified? After fighting it? Don't joke around! If you're going to be scared, then don't freaking fight in the first place! Even worse, being exhausted by your own fire move, how pathetic. And also, according to my master, slacking off and losing caution on the battlefield is the number one cause of death you know? I wouldn't know, since I haven't been in a battlefield, but still... 

There must be some sort of way, a weakness that can be exploited, nothing in this world is perfect. There has to be a way to take it down. Yep, in the end, everything going to be pushed to me huh. Just my rotten luck... Oh well, it's good practice to achieve my goal anyway...

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