Chapter 6: Aftermath

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I found it.

But wait... What if the magic circle was somewhere inside the golem, then what would I have done? Geez, you sure are stubborn, asking questions after questions, trying to find a plot hole. 

And what do I say to thee? I say nay, not possible. One of the laws of magic, laws of this world, states that magic circles have to have a clear vision of the sky, moon or sun. Therefore, long-range magic like magic control circles cannot be inside of the golem and why golems cannot activate underground. I don't really know why or how it works though. One of the many great mysteries of life.

Are you satisfied now? You see, my plan was foolproof, perfect with no room for error. 

Clenching my right fist, left hand gripping onto the golem for stability, gritting my teeth, I smashed through the magic circle repeatedly. The golem lay beneath me, unmoving, never to stir ever again. The crimson eye flickered off, giving a melancholic feel even though the golem has no emotions at all and was never for a single second, alive. However, murky emotions stirred up in me. 

"Wow hahaha, you did a great job," Kaen said as he tackled me with an arm wrapped around my neck. He ruffled and messed up my hair, back to his usual self, with absolutely no hints of being fearful moments ago. 

Come on, he recovers way too fast?

Even Itsuo walked up to me, "Good job, though I did most of the work though. So most of the credit should go to me." He pompously announced. 

"Whattt? He only managed to take it down because of me! I weakened the golem with my invincible flames after all." Kaen retorted, intending not to budge an inch away. 

Geez, what are they even doing? Are they a bunch of kids fighting over a toy?

Drooping my tension free shoulders, I noticed a girl stood in front of us, staring at me. She had long, light blonde hair tied in a ponytail, emerald eyes, thin, pale and fragile like lips. A very nostalgic face.  

I broke free of Kaen choke hold and walked towards her. Everything else became secondary to me The cheers of celebration, Kaen and Itsuo's call and everything else. I focused on her and only her. A pang of guilt stabbed through my heart.

Seeing her silent, I started the conversation first.

"This is my own choice, Orpheus Regis' will. The obligatory duty that I have to fulfill. So I don't mind it at all, it is what I have chosen after all." I announced, curling my lips to a teeny smile while placing a fist in front of my heart, the posture that you take while making a pledge. 

She opened her mouth, craving to say something but changed her mind and shut it reluctantly. I walked past her, purposely avoiding her reply and headed back to line up.

A glint of light caught my eye. Was it the reflection of the rising sunlight from her tears? Was she crying? Was it tears of joy or sorrow I wonder. I resigned bitterly, accepting that I probably would never know the truth.

"Oi! Wait up for me!" Kaen shouted as he dashed towards me, "And also is it fine to just leave such a pretty girl like that?" Kaen, turning her head to look at her and me, clearly conflicted what to do. 

Itsuo, on the other hand, glanced at her momentarily, then decided not to interfere and headed back in line as well. 

Just then, the person in charge, shouted all to line up, declaring the ordeal over. Kaen, felt as if his decision was already chosen for him and ran back, after telling her to not cry, with flustered gestures while insulting me being a cold-hearted reptile.

She wiped away her tears, smiled kindly at Kaen's attempt and followed suit. 

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