Chapter 2: Outbreak

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"A golem? That's my first time seeing one. How interesting. If I beat that thing, won't I become stronger? Become even stronger than before?" Itsuo muttered, his eyes glinting a crazed, determined look. 

"Wait, what... Are you even sane? You planning to take down that giant?" I asked, my voice pitching high.

There are two ways he normally reacts to me. Number 1, he would get mad and shout non-stop at me. Number 2, he would ignore me. This time, he opted for number 2. 

How is he even going to fight? He isn't even holding a weapon. Just as I thought that he materialized a weapon right out of thin air. Wow, is that his ability?

In this world rife full of conflict, people born with outstanding abilities to triumph over others. While those with useless abilities or no abilities at all sinks to the bottomless pit of despair. Abilities determine everything in this military dictatorship kind of country and it's not even an exaggeration to say in the world. Those fools who did not give up on dreaming and still enroll in the military anyway, they will get treated as cannon fodder, writhing desperately and dying meaninglessly in the end. Furthermore, war broke out frequently with other states over the smallest, trivial issues, with dimwits up there who never learn their lesson and sent thousands and thousands of soldiers to their doom.

That is the kind of world we lived in. 

While my mind wandered off, Itsuo slashed and hacked away at the gargantuan golem. It was clearly over 3 meters tall, made of stone with a humanoid figure. Its eyes glowed red as it sluggishly tried to swat Itsuo away. 

However, the golem was slow, way too slow to get one good smack at Itsuo. On the other hand, Itsuo was agile, unbelievably agile, to the point where you would even doubt whether he was a human or not. He would rush in and deliver precise consecutive strikes into the beast and jump way back out of the way when it was the golem's turn to attack. 

His sword was unique though. A one-sided elongated, extremely thin blade, entirely different from our country's kind of heavy, double-edged short sword that focuses on durability and strength. I found later on that the sword was called a katana.

However, maybe as a result of its thin shape, every time his blades made a couple of contacts with the golem, they would shatter into a million pieces. Those shards then disintegrated to flashes of cerulean light. And each time they would shatter, he would just keep on conjuring more and more blades endlessly. 

Now, what should I do? Even if Itsuo is impressive, he still was not strong enough to make a dent in that being. Furthermore, as time goes on, Itsuo would only exhaust all his reserves and would be an easy prey for the golem. While the golem would have no problem making this into a battle of attrition. 

Golems are, after all, magical beings renowned for their sturdiness and stubborn endurance. 

While the gears in my head were grinding furiously, a red-haired recruit dashed out, heading straight for the golem.

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