Wedding Day

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i woke up to someone hitting me with a pillow, them yelling 'get up its your wedding!' and i was up faster than you would think. Izzy gave me my coffee and we spent the day preparing for the wedding that was at 5pm. i was so excited but nervous. i sung the song i wrote for Alec practicing it and prayed he was practicing the duet.

"sooo you excited?" as we all just layed around trying to think of hairstyles. i nodded, "im ecstatic. nervous though. but thats normal right?" i questioned unsure. "of course it is! your getting married!" Clary squealed and soon we started to get ready for the wedding. they focused on my hair-well more Izzy than Clary, Clary did my makeup and we listened to music singing and having fun. the closer the time got to the wedding the more nervous i got.

"oh my getting married in an hour!" i shouted nerves flooding me. Izzy grinned, "breath Cass. its okay. you got this. your marrying Alec. and you are gonna rock that song and you are gonna knock him off of his feet when he sees you in this dress." she grinned as she pulled my dress out of her closet.

she unzipped it carefully and she was already in her dress and her hair and makeup was done, and so was Clary. i slipped on the dress careful of my hair and everything and i gasped at my reflection.

Izzy's dress:

Clary's dress:

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Clary's dress:

Cass's wedding dress & everything:

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Cass's wedding dress & everything:

Cass's wedding dress & everything:

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My Crossbow Angel (Alec Lightwood) Unedited! & On Hold**Where stories live. Discover now