Pregnancy ruins everything.

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*2 weeks later* A/N: i am skipping past the Merolin part of the show since i kind of hate that scene and it makes me angry at Alec sooo im skipping it plus it has nothing to do with the story(:

the feeling of throwing up woke me from my deep sleep. i got out of Alec's arms careful not to wake him but quickly and rushed to the bathroom where i emptied everything out of my stomach.

"babe you okay?"i  heard him call out probably hearing me throw up. this was not normal. shadowhunters dont get sick and when we do its usually just a cold. but this? this was really weird. after i was done emptying the contents of my stomach i brushed my teeth after flushing the toilet and crawling back into bed. i groaned as i clutched my stomach. Alec's hands rubbed my tummy gently and i smiled glancing over at him.

"you alright?" he asked again concern etched on his handsome features. i nodded, "yeah im fine. just something didnt agree with me i guess." he nodded, "yeah my sisters cooking."i laughed and realized something. i grabbed my phone off of my bedside table and scrolled to my app for my period. i cursed as i realized i was a week late.

"what's wrong?" i shook it off and snuggled into his arms. "nothing." he didnt look convinced but didnt push the subject anymore. "2 more days till the wedding." he told me and i nodded a giant grin on my face as i looked up at him. "i know im excited." he chuckled and kissed my forehead. soon sleep took over us and the only thing left on my mind was: why was i late?

*5 hours later*

i woke up to an empty bed again. i groaned starting to hate waking up alone. i got out of bed but the feeling of nausea stopped me from going to my closet to pick clothes out for today and i instantly went to the toilet and emptied out whatever was left in my stomach. i groaned as i collapsed on the ground.

"Cass? you in here?" i heard Izzy's voice and i groaned in response. she pushed open the bathroom door and gasped, "oh my angel Cass!" she yelled and rushed to my side helping me up. "you need to rest." i shook my head, "im late..." i muttered and she looked down at me confused as she helped me back in bed.

"late for what?" she questioned confused. "period." her eyes widened. "are you serious? how late are you?"

"a week." her eyes widened even wider if possible. suddenly Alec rushed in and sighed with relief. "how you feeling?" i shrugged, "shitty." he nodded though frowned.

"why does Izzy look broken?" he poked his sisters shoulders and she snapped back into reality, "im gonna go talk to my mom ill be right back." she told me and i nodded though confused.

he checked my forehead for a temp and frowned, "your not running a fever." i wanted to tell him i dont think its a regular flu its something else but i didnt know what to think. was i sick or was i pregnant?

"why did you run in here with your hair on fire?" i joked and he smiled a little, "there was a Forsaken attack on the Jade Wolf. no casualties but i was gonna go over there and check it out. Lydia is coming...." he muttered and the end and i nodded, "good i need out of here." he rolled his eyes, "baby if your sick you need to rest."

"no im not leaving you alone with that bitch." he sighed knowing i wouldnt stay in bed and nodded, "fine but when we get back you are resting." i agreed and took a quick shower and glanced at myself in the mirror. i almost didnt recognize myself. i was pale but not dead pale. just sickly pale. i shrugged and did my makeup and hair making me look less sick and changed quickly into a regular pair of leather leggings, a black tank top and a black leather jacket.

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