hotel Dumort

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i got dressed, did my hair and makeup and slipped on my shoes before walking out the door preparing myself to face the guy that i realized i was falling for

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i got dressed, did my hair and makeup and slipped on my shoes before walking out the door preparing myself to face the guy that i realized i was falling for. today we were going to the Silent City to visit the Silent Brothers so Clary could get her memories back. i walked into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee and saw Alec walk in and my breath got caught in my throat but i pushed through it and walked out of the room. Alec gave me a weird look as i ignored him which i rarely ever do.

"Cass?" he questioned and followed after me. i saw the mundane with Clary and smiled at the look he kept giving her. he glanced over and whispered 'so hot' and i saw Clary stifle a laugh and Izzy glance over and smiled seeing me, i smiled back but my smile didnt reach my eyes and she knew something was wrong. Alec walked up behind me and i could sense him as my heart fluttered in my chest. i cleared my throat and Alec glared at Simon hearing what he said to me and i rolled my eyes at Alec.

"so why are we visiting the silent brothers?" i questioned Jace who looked at me oddly but shrugged it off, "to get Clary's memory back. shes got a block on it."

"im right here." she waved her hand and i laughed at her gesture. i saw Alec's lips raise a little at my laugh but it was replaced with a frown as he saw it didnt reach my eyes.

**Alec's POV**

something was off with Cassie. she just held this aura around her that was saddening and i knew i wasnt the only one that saw it as Izzy kept giving her worried looks. Cassie went to go get another cup of coffee and i took this as my que to question my best friend.

"Cass whats wrong?" she shrugged and i sighed frusterated and grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. her breath caught and i furrowed my brows slightly in confusion but shrugged it off.

"whats going on? youve been ignoring me all day and you are not your usual happy self..." she shrugged in response and i groaned, "please talk to me."

"nothing to talk about. just not in a good mood." she pulled her arm out of my grip and walked off leaving me dumbfounded. something was defintely up.

that night we all got to the Silent city and i still saw a frown pressed on Cassie's face.

i pulled my sister aside, "do you know what is going on with Cass? shes not talking to me or anyone for that matter."

"no i have no idea. she's barely talked to me all day also. what happened after i left? i saw you go towards her room."

"she was fine when i left her. i questioned her on the song and she said not to worry about it that it was about us 3." she furrowed her eyes slightly. "i have no idea. but i will find out because i do not like the aura she is giving off." i nodded in agreement.

we glanced over at Cassie as she was laughing at something Simon said and a pang hit me in the gut. the hell? she was smiling but it didnt reach her eyes like it usually did.

My Crossbow Angel (Alec Lightwood) Unedited! & On Hold**Where stories live. Discover now