WAY - Chapter 16

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Justin's POV

"Justin? What in the world are you doing?" I heard my grandma ask behind me as I continued to search the house. "Getting rid of all evidence that Justin Bieber lives here" I responded grabbing a picture of my family before carefully placing it into the box. 

"Excuse me?" I heard her say confused, her presence still behind me somewhere. "Selena's coming over for tutoring and if she see's anything that has to do with Justin Bieber, she'll get suspicious. What will I say then? Oh my grandparents are huge fans and they've met him many times?" I said finally turning to look at her. She opened her mouth to say something before closing it again. "Never mind then, carry on" she spoke up before leaving the room. 

After a few minutes, I finally put away all the pictures of me that was hung up in the house, and in my room, and left the box in my grandparents room knowing no one will ever go in there. 

*Ding dong*

Someone's early. 

"Alright let's get this over with" Selena said once I opened the door for her as she rushed past me and stopped walking before turning to face me. "Where do you want to work?" she asked clearly not in the mood to be here. Wow someone had a bad morning. 

"Umm, the kitchen I guess" I replied confused to why she was acting like this. Without saying another word, she turned her head towards the kitchen before walking into the room leaving me standing at the door awfully confused. 

Finally, getting my mind back into reality, I shut the door behind me before following her into the kitchen to see her sitting at the dining table with her textbook and essentials placed out in front of her. 

"What?" she snapped looking up at me, probably feeling my gaze on her. "What's up with you?" I asked her trying not to get angry at her sudden rage towards me. "It's a Saturday and I'm stuck tutoring you. What do you think is up with me?" she shot in response. 

Ok. Ouch. 

"I'm not loving this as much as you are but you don't see me complaining" I muttered hoping she didn't hear me as I grabbed my bag that was still sitting by the wall in the kitchen before dragging it over to the table where I sat down next to her. 

"Oh don't lie you're loving every second of this" Selena said all full of herself making me roll my eyes. I don't understand how Ryan and Chaz would rather hang out with her than me. I wasn't this cocky. 

"Earth to Jason" I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I looked up to see Selena staring at me confused. "Sorry. Just remembered something" I mumbled before flipping my textbook open. "Let's just get this over with" 

Selena's POV

Ok honestly, I had no idea why I was being like this. A part of me wants to be nice to the kid since he has no friends, but another part of me wants nothing to do with him because he has no friends. This is very frustrating. 

"Damn it's hot in your house" I groaned suddenly getting really hot. I unbuttoned my cardigan before taking it off of my body, only to see Jason gulp as he buried his face deeper into his book. Haha yeah you know you want this. 

"You're not hot?" I asked him looking at his grey sweater, the one he wears a lot. I swear it's like his only sweater. Not that I've noticed. "No" he replied quickly as if he didn't want to talk about it. 

"You know you've never answered my question"I smirked, resting my chin on my hand as I leaned my body towards him. "Yes I did. I said no" he replied still looking down at his textbook. I could tell he was getting uncomfortable. 

"Not that question. Why do you always wear a sweater? Do you have like scary looking arms or something?" I asked him. "No. I just like sweaters" he answered casually but I knew it was a lie. "Alright fine don't tell me" I sighed hoping he would give in, but he didn't. 

"I don't understand any of this" he spoke up finally looking up at me. I sighed before leaning over to see which question he was on before explaining each step in detail. About an hour later, he finally understood algebra. Well at least how to figure out algebra questions. 

"Alright, wanna pick up on quadratics on Monday?" I asked Jason as I began to pack up my books. "What now?" he asked confused making me do a slight face palm. "You are a special boy Jason Dale" I sighed, patting his shoulder before making my way back to my house. 

As I walked up to my front door, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. Startled, I dropped my keys before turning around to see Demi standing there with a smirk on her face. "So, hanging out with Dale now?" she continued to smirk as she crossed her arms across her chest. 

"I have to tutor the kid. That's it" I snapped at her before bending down to retrieve my keys. "Does your perfect little boyfriend know about this?" she asked. "Yup. So you don't have anything against me" I smiled at her hoping she'd believe me. "Mhm we'll see about that" she called out before turning around and began to walk away from my house. Bitch. 

"Hey was that Demi?" my mom suddenly walked in front of me once I entered the house. "Yup" I replied popping the 'p'. "Aw why didn't you invite her in? I haven't seen her all month" my mom pouted. 

"Mom me and Demi aren't really civil right now" I told her walking past her as I walked into the kitchen before opening the fridge to find something to eat. "Why? What happened?" she asked behind me. 

"She didn't appreciate the fact that I finally made friends and I got a boyfriend and I guess she got jealous so she stopped talking to me" I told her. I mean it wasn't a whole lie. I just left out the part where I yelled at her first. 

"Aw well I hope you guys can talk it out. You two girls used to be best friends since you were just in diapers" she said making me turn to face her to see her wearing a small frown on her face making me let out a sigh. 

"I'm just gonna watch some tv" I spoke up as I brushed past her once again with my jar of pickles.

She was right. I just couldn't accept it. I was finally happy with my life. I had friends and people liked me and she was just jealous. Why should I try to fix things between me and a girl who hated that I finally had the life I wanted? 

umm idk maybe cuz shes ur best friend????

geez Sel why so mean?

sorry for the late updates i have no internet at home and exams are this week and im moving in two weeks so it's just like ughhhh 

and i have summer school so please be patient :)


-Maddie <3

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