WAY - Chapter 6

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Justin's POV

"So, school starts next week" my grandma smiled as she sat down in front of me at the table when I shoved another spoonful of Cap'n Crunch into my mouth. "Yeah so?" I asked rolling my eyes at her. "Aren't you excited? Nervous? Happy?" she questioned obviously trying to make small talk. "I don't know" I replied simply, shrugging my shoulders as I took in another spoon full of Cap'n Crunch.

"What ever happened with you and Ryan and the boys? You all used to be so close" she pouted still trying to have a conversation with me. Well she's definitely not going to stop. I sighed before setting down my spoon knowing this will be a long talk, hence this was my grandmother.

"We just stopped talking. I became famous, they stayed here in Canada, and now we just don't talk" I told her, even though that wasn't even close to what had happened.

"God you really did become big headed didn't you?" Ryan scuffed as I took in another puff from Twist's joint. His head magically grew into the size of a balloon. "Nah bro you got a big head" I laughed.

"You know what, fuck this shit. I'm not gonna sit around with a fucking moron who's just throwing his life away" he said before walking out of my living room followed by Chaz and Nolan.

"Hey that's cool. Your loss bro!" I shouted after them when I suddenly heard the front door slam.

"That's such a shame. You know you should definitely go over to their house today and try to reconnect with them" my grandma smiled snapping me out of my thoughts before standing up from the table and walked into the living room.

Yeah. Like they would ever want to see me again.

Fuck I need a smoke.

Selena's POV

"Ryan! Stop!" Demi screamed letting out her famous laugh as her friend Ryan picked her up and tossed her over her shoulder. They actually make a cute couple to be honest.

Demi invited me out to the park today to get a chance to get to know her friends before school started. We were just hanging out with Ryan, Alfredo, Chaz, Ariana and her twin sister Sammy. They're all actually really cool. It's still a little weird for me though since I'm the new girl but Demi tries really hard to get me to be open with everyone. Apparently people like it when you're more open about yourself.

"Ryan put me down!" Demi screamed again as Ryan started to make his way over to the lake. "No don't you dare!" Demi shouted as she looked over her shoulder to see where he was heading. "RYAN DON'T!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as Ryan quickly put her back on the ground in front of him making her bury her face into his chest as we all laughed.

"You are such an ass!" Demi laughed as she playfully smacked his chest making the rest of us laugh. His hands were still resting on her waist from when he dropped her as her hands were on his shoulders when she looked up at him and everyone started to 'awe' at their actions.

"Get out of here" Demi laughed as she pushed Ryan away from her only to make him laugh. "Why aren't you guys dating again?" I whispered to Demi as we walked side by side when Ariana and Sammy jumped onto Chaz and Alfredo's backs and Ryan followed them, leaving me and Demi trailing behind them.

"We're just friends Selena" Demi said simply, obviously not wanting to talk about it. "And then you try to get me to open up" I mumbled loud enough for her to hear. "Selena, I promise to tell you about it just not right now" Demi said quickly nodded her head over to the rest of her friends. I nodded simply in response before we heard Ariana yell out our names making us pick up our pace.


"So how does ice cream sound?" Ryan asked us as we walked down the streets of Stratford. "Yes!" Ariana and Sammy yelled at the same time. Geez they are very enthusiastic. "Yeah sounds cool" Chaz said and Alfredo nodded in agreement.

"Texas one and two?" Ryan asked looking at me and Demi making all of us laugh at his nickname for us. "Yeah I'm in" Demi smiled. "Sure" I said simply before adding a small smile, trying not to be awkward, no matter how much of an awkward person I already was. 

"Are all Texas girls hot?" Chaz said randomly as he threw his arms around mine and Demi's shoulders so he was now in between us. "Dude! All girls are hot!" Alfredo said laughing. "Actually no. Don't even get me started on Chantel" Ryan added.

"Who's Ch-Chantel?" I asked out of curiosity. Damn it. Stupid stutter. "Only the sluttiest girl in school" Sammy answered. "And not to mention fake" Ariana added making everyone else laugh.

"Oh come on! Don't be a hater!" Chaz said still with his arms around me and Demi. Not that I didn't mind it. It was a friendly thing right? "Man you're just saying that cause she sucked you off at a party!" Alfredo said.

"EW!" Demi, Sammy and Ariana shouted, twisting their faces at Chaz making me do the same. The thought of it just sickened me. "Don't forget to get yourself checked sometime soon" I said out of nowhere, as if my mouth had a mind of it's own. Before I could apologize, everyone was dying of laughter.

"Damn Gomez! Look at you" Demi smiled from my left, on the other side of Chaz making me look at Chaz who was actually laughing as well. Whew. Ok so it's ok to joke about stuff like that when other people are as well. How did I not stutter when I said that? 

All of a sudden, Ryan and Chaz both stopped walking making the rest of us stop to look at them confused.


:O oh no! 


-Maddie <3

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