Chapter 23

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Following her gaze, your sight ended up on the balcony of a flower shop. Your vision focused, a little too late, on a sniper standing on said balcony, gun aimed directly at Steve's head.

Attempting to move Steve would be useless; he was reluctant about leaving your side. You contemplated telling him about the sniper, which cost you valueable time and before you knew it, a barrage of bullets was unleashed towards Steve.

So this was Hydra's plan. Brilliant. The only man who could be identified as the perpetrator was a mere distraction. A successful one.

Faced with a life and death situation twice in a span of less than thirty seconds, you had no time to think. Daughter's love vetoed all prudence. Grabbing Steve firmly by his arms you instantly switched positions with him, leaving yourself exposed to the oncoming attack.

Your entire life flashed before your eyes - school, picnics, birthdays. Other than not seeing Natalie one last time, you had no regrets.

Closing your eyes, you waited for death to come. You had often wondered what it felt like; now you could see for yourself.

It was only when you heard the sound of bullets hitting some kind of metal that you opened your eyes. It didn't hurt. It didn't hurt at all. Was this what death felt like?

Rationality took a moment to seep in. In front of you was Tony in his armour, covering himself and you with Steve's shield, which he had retrieved just in time. You felt blood rushing back into your arteries.

One accurately shot repulser beam, and the sniper hit the ground.

The stillness that had been cast upon like a spell was lifted. Steve was staring wide eyed at you, just now inferring all that had occured and he would have continued to if it hadn't been for Natasha jumping onto him and pulling him in for a kiss.

The rest of the team began to gather one by one. Mumbling profanities under his breath, Clint handed something to Tony, which he accepted with a smug smile.

When your eyes met his, he looked like he wanted to say something, and so did you but some unnamed hesitation overshadowed the words like a blanket.

To break the silence, Tony awkwardly coughed. "Here, take this." He offered you what Clint had given him - $500. Cash. He had won the bet after all.

"Why?" You asked as Tony put the money on your palm and curled your fingers over it.

"You earned it."

Beyond Time (Avengers X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now