Chapter 18

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The next time around when you woke up, you realised you weren't static. Not sleepwalking, no, but still somehow in motion. Tony's familiar scent wafted into your nose. Again.

"Is this some kind of déja vu bullshit?" You thought. "Am I going to have to go cry by mom again? I swear to God, one of these days I'm going to lose my mind."

Instinctively, you pulled Tony's jacket closer to yourself, which you knew was going to be there even though you hadn't opened your eyes yet.

"Hey, you're up." Tony kissed your forehead, "Why were you asleep by Natasha anyway? Also, glad you like the jacket."

Certainly not déja vu. You wondered if you could take the jacket with you back to your time. Or would it upset the fabric of time like Peter had warned? The movement you had been feeling was still going consistent. Consequently, you opened your eyes to asses the situation.

The first thing you saw was Tony's chest. You understood what the motion was. Tony had you in his arms and was carrying you to God knows where.

"You know, I can walk." You scoffed.

"I know that, Miss Smartypants. But with all the work you've been doing, I figured you needed the rest." Tony nuzzled his face in your hair which succeeded in getting a chuckle from you.

You looped your arms around his neck. "Where ever it is that you're taking me, I suppose my conscious presence is not required."

"Yeah, about that." Tony immediately set you down and you took a moment to find your balance.

Tony put a hand on your shoulder to steady you and continued with the information he had after he was convinced you wouldn't fall down. "Remember how you told me to look out for any inconsistencies from SHIELD'S side of the business?"

You gestured for him to go on.

"Well, an assignment just got sent in. All of us are required in Alaska, effective immediately. They say it's a major arms raid." He rambled out all in one breath.
So this was it. This was the mission. Nothing in the world could have prepared you for this. Tony took your hand in his. "I'm here." He assured, "Whatever you need, I'm here."

"Stark, get your million dollar ass in here! We're leaving in twenty!" Natasha's voice resounded in the tower.

"Duty calls." Tony started for the hangar and strung you along with him. "It's a billion dollar ass, Romanoff!" He yelled.


Clint's face looked like he was trying to solve a very difficult mathematical equation.  "Why- why- why- why- why are you coming with us, again?"

Taking a deep breath, you began your explanation even though what you really wanted was to sit Clint down and ask him precisely where had he acquired such polite manners. "An on the field experience will be dermier requirement. That being satisfaisant, I will be out of your hair en un rien de temps."

"You had me at out of your hair enverian detemper." Clint made no effort whatsoever to hide his glee.

"En un rien de temps." You corrected. "And that's the very last thing I sai-"

Before you could finish, Tony pulled you into a corner. "What do you mean you'll be out of our hair in no time?"

Great. Another conversation you didn't want to have. You had to leave behind the only guy you ever....You were scared to even admit your feelings for Tony.

"Well," You began what would be a tangled mess of zero clarity, "In some cultures, women weave this scarf using the hair of the people they love. And when the hair is over but the scarf is yet to be finished, that's when they use the phrase 'out of your hair'. So really when you come down to it, it's a matter of interpretation."

Tony let out a reluctant sigh. "(Y/N)-"

"Yes, I'll be leaving!" You squeezed your eyes shut. "If I had any control over it I wouldn't. But I don't, Tony. I'm sorry."

"No, that's okay, that's fine. If you can't stay here, I can come over and visit. All the time, you know. And that won't be for long, right? Just until you get all of this sorted out." It sounded like he was trying to convince himself rather than convince you.

Tony was holding you as tight as possible, as if you were to disappear at any given moment. Seeing him like that was painful, especially when it was beyond your power to rid him of the vexation.

"Capitaine!" And there was your excuse to get away.

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