Chapter 21

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Pushing the corpse off you with a shaky yet definite jerk, you took steady steps away from it hoping to back into a wall so you could lean against it and let yourself go.

This was the first time you had been so close to a dying person and you had a feeling it wasn't going to be the last. Instead of a wall, you ran into a man.

Coming to a vague conclusion that the man was Bruce, you attempted to subdue your panic. "Tony...whe-where is Tony?" You asked and prayed that Bruce heard you. You were far too shaken to raise your voice.

As if he had been listening in on the conversation, Tony's Iron Man flew up to the floor and landed right beside you. "Hey. Hey, hey, I'm here. Deep breaths. Take deep breaths, sweetheart." He placed little kisses in your hair while his hand rubbed soothing circles on your back.

And it worked. Soon enough, your breathing evened out and you could think straight again. You pulled away from Tony's arms. "Get me a location on Captain Rogers." It wasn't a question.

Tony didn't necessarily understand the purpose behind the request but your demeanour forbade him to ask. Acquiescence seemed like the only option. When the required data came up, he took a moment before conveying it. "He's in the Times Square."

A wave of nausea washed over you. "Patch me through to him." You weren't sure if you made any sound. Hence you elevated your pitch. "Patch me through to him now!"

Tony burst into motion. A few seconds passed before he signalled for you to speak. You didn't miss a beat. "Capitaine?"

"(Y/N)?" Steve's crackling voice came through, "Shouldn't you be in the middle of a mission? Is everyone alright?"

Dismissing his question altogether, you asked your own. "Where are you?" "At the Times Square. Why?" It sounded as if Steve was struggling against ample odds to continue this conversation.

"Capitaine, you need to get back to the tower au plus vite." You sounded like Steve - bearing the same aura of authority.

However, Steve outright refused. Tony had heard enough to reason that Steve's return to the tower was an absolute essentiality. "The hell, Cap, can't you just do what you are told without being a pain for once in your life?" He grumbled.

"And ruin my streak? You wish!" Steve laughed, "I can't go back. I wish I could, but I can't. There is an explosive warning out here in the Square and hundreds of lives are at risk. I can't run away like a coward."

You hated his guts for believing how right he was. "Rest assured Capitaine, no one's life is at risk other than your own." Steve didn't hear you; the connection was lost.

Rendered with no option you turned to Tony for help. "He won't leave. I know he won't. Tony, you have to get me to New York ASAP."

"Banner, go get the team." Tony waited until Bruce left before he spoke to you, "(Y/N), it took us seven hours just to get here."

You had to hold yourself back from physically lashing out. "Don't bullshit me, Stark. Your armour flew all the way over to the Middle East overnight. I think it can get me to New York in twenty minutes." Nonetheless, you screamed.

Tony held your hand to his chest. You would never understand how his mere touch managed to lull you into serenity.

"I think I can get the jet there in time too. Let's go."

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