Chapter 14

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All weariness seemed to vanish as soon as the warm water hit your skin. A nice, hot bubble bath - this had always been your escape.

You sighed in contentment as you stepped out of the tub and wrapped a soft towel around yourself. Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you decided to blow dry your hair, maybe straighten it while you were at it.

After realising that your stay wasn't going to be a two-day ordeal, you decided to invest in some supplies on the luxurious side. It was surprising how ridiculously cheap things were in the past.

Evidently, fate had other plans for you. The moment you turned on the hair dryer, a large chunk of your hair got sucked in the opposite end. Flinging the switch off in one swift motion, you inspected the huge tangled chaos of your hair.

You tried and tried until your arms were sore but to no avail. So you did what every kid does when they are in trouble. You decided to call mom. "JARVIS, may I have an audience with Mademoiselle Romanoff?"

"Miss Romanoff is currently using the lavatory." JARVIS replied.

"Okay then." Holding the hair dryer in one hand and supporting your towel with the other, you settled on calling for help in the hallway and whoever caught your sight first would be the lucky contender.

Instead of being greeted by an empty corridor upon opening the door, you came face to face with Tony. No sooner than he saw you, his hand flew up to his eyes. "I didn't see anything!" He tried and failed at keeping his voice at a normal pitch.

"Calm down, Tony. It's not like I'm naked." You shoved the hair dryer in his hands. "Now help me get out of this."

Tony fumbled with the device before getting a firm grip on it. With his signature smirk on his face, he slowly disassembled the entire contraption, freed your hair strand by strand and assembled it back for you.

By the time he was done, the two of you realised simultaneously how close to your neck he had got while he was working. Parts of his face went red and so did yours.

With a very unwilling vibe, Tony took a step back. It seemed like he wanted to say something but was refraining himself from doing so. Finally, he disposed off the matter altogether.

"Just so you know, I'm not some creep who lurks around other people's doorways." He efficiently deflected,  "I wanted to ask if you wanted to join us for dinner. Everyone's waiting."

You knew there was something Tony wanted to say but hadn't and for some reason, you were disappointed. Despite that, you politely accepted his offer. "Sure. I'd love to."

Tony's face lit up. "Great! After you." He gestured for you to move ahead of him.

You would've walked too, if it hadn't been for the realisation that dawned upon you in the nick of time. "Je crois la normes of the society require me to be fully clothed if I am to make a public appearance."

Tony visibly flushed. Again, for no particular reason, you liked it. "Why don't you go on ahead et I will meet you in, dire, ten minutes?"

A grin which stretched from ear to ear was plastered on his face as Tony nodded and jogged back in the way he came from. This little incident was going to give him butterflies for a while.

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