Chapter 5

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You knew the affair had been rambunctious, but you had to do it. It seemed like the only way. You didn't know enough about the French Government or the Avengers to put up a believable act.

Fortunately, people had left you alone for the day. You had a feeling they didn't like you very much. You also had a feeling you weren't wrong.

The new day did nothing to calm your nerves and/or replenish your confidence. And to top it all off, Tony waltzed into your room. "Hey (Y/N), how are ya?"

"I'm - I'm fine, Monsieur Stark." Your confusion barred you from speaking but you forced yourself to do the contrary. "Whatever docteur Banner did has been very efficace. Mes brûles are healing up much faster than they normally would."

Tony had paused to hear your answer. Although it had nothing to do with what had brought him here or what he had in mind, he needed to know that your condition, if not improving, was stable. "Anyway," He began, "I was merely looking around the other day and the authorization documents you provided us happened to catch my eye."

Your breath caught in your throat. Did he know? If yes, then how much? "Care to élaborer?" You raised a brow.

In reply, he placed a grainy black and white photograph of you pushing a fridge magnet in your box of noodles on the center table in front of you. A still he had obtained from the video he was watching yesterday. "How do you explain this? Because to me, this seems like an intricately set plan to avoid the team meeting."

You suppressed a surge of panic. "As I have établi before, Monsieur Stark, it was an accident. If it's indemnité that you want-"

"Additionally," Tony continued, "Since you're such an interesting individual, I looked you up and my oh my, was I surprised at what I found. Hours of research and I came up with absolutely nothing. Nada. Zilch. It's like you don't even exist! I think it's time to come clean Miss (Y/N)."

"I am one of the most élite members of the service secret françias. It's not that I don't exist, you don't have clearance. Quite literally, you don't deserve to know me." It wasn't a bluff you were willing to pull but in light of recent events you had no choice but to act on the contrary and hope that Tony would believe you. "I have taken down tout terroriste organisations on my own. What do you supposer  will happen if my données biographiques is out there on the Internet for everyone to see?"

In your rage, pretend as it might be, you had walked impossibly close to Tony and now his face was merely inches away from yours. He could feel your hot breath fanning out on his face. In that moment, Tony Stark felt something he had made himself believe he never would - he felt drawn.

He also felt defeated. Your paperwork was flawless. The only thing he could hold against you was an indeterminate microwave explosion and an argument he had just so miserably lost. "I, uh, I imagine that would make sense." He stuttered.

A silent prayer fled from your soul. "À présent, I have to report an account of my actions back to my supérieus. So if you would excuez-moi..."

"Yeah, of course!" It was almost as if Tony broke out of a daze. "I'll be down in the lab if you wanna talk, or have a look around, which you wouldn't because like you said, you have work to do. I'll- I'll stop rambling now...and leave."

You turned around when you didn't hear the door shut. "Mal éléve idiot." You whispered and then marveled at the magnitude of which you had mingled with the French character you had been playing to actually curse in French.

As you pushed the door toward its frame, you felt a force push it back to you. The door stood ajar and on the other side of the threshold was Steve, one of the two people you absolutely did not want to see on this visit. "Hey, just wanted to check up on you." He flashed you a nervous smile.

Your mouth contorted into an upside down U. 'How's that for whiplash.' You thought. "I'm doing well, Capitaine. Although, I could use some rest." You said dismissively.

"That's wonderful." Steve seemed to miss the hint entirely. "Let me know if you need anything."

"I apprécier the offer." You pushed the door with increased effort and finally forced it shut, "Let's all hope it doesn't come to that."

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