The Tag Mayhem

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So here I am, tagged again, thanks to the truly wonderful Kennymac16.

Without further ado, let's begin.

1. Well, I liked two people and both of them ended up liking my friend(she's preeeeety) so no. I don't like anyone.

2. Ooh I think I answered this in the last question.

3. We don't have middle names here.

4. Single. I will die alone.

5. I'm positive it was the preeeeety friend I talked about in the first answer.

6. The good the bad and the dirty by P!ATD.

7. Don't know. Don't want to know. I prefer keeping panic at bay.

8.That is a privilege I do not have.

9. Doesn't have a wattpad account.

10. Pfffft. Like that is even a question. Stony!

11. I think it was to read supernatural fics and I did read three of them but then I drifted in an entirely different direction.

12.  [taken down]

13. May 18th. Why? Am I going to get wishes?

Ahahahaha. Like I know 20 people. Anyway, here we go.


That will be all.

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