Chapter 3

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The gentle rays of dawn pulled you out of your slumber. You surveyed your surroundings but concluded the least - you were in some sort of a park. Period. Man, time travel's a downer.

As you struggled to get back on your feet, you realised every single one of your joints hurt - like they had been doused with acid over and over. Your stomach felt like it had been empty for ages and you tasted bile in your throat.

This wasn't in any way like the New York you remembered. That didn't faze you in the least bit, though. The building you were looking for was far too famous for you to not reach it. You assembled the stack of papers SHIELD had provided you - your alias; which would help you mingle and keep suspicion off you, for the time being.


"So you're from SHIELD?" Clint doubtfully eyed the manila folder you had handed him and passed it over to Tony.

"No, Monsieur, I'm here from le gouvernment français." The additional french wasn't necessary, but you felt it contributed to the overall effect. The team studied you incredulously. "But this document has the official SHIELD logo on it." Bruce raised his question.

"Oui." You smoothed the creases of your skirt. It was now or never. "SHIELD did authorised my visite, but the core purpose as to why I'm standing here in this étouffant building...." The blank faces of the people standing in front of you caused you to rephrase your speech. "Oh, je suis désolé. What do you call it? Tacky?"

"So the core purpose as to why I'm standing here in this tacky building," You ignorantly continued, "is because now that you have assumed the prende of World's Mightiest Superheroes, my government just wants réconfort that you are, en réalité, capable of doing the job."

"And this is not a prank show?" Tony let out an oblivious laugh. Fighting off the urge to turn back around and never come back, you put on the sternest look you could. "Is everything a joke to you, Monsieur Stark? Because know this, the French government takes questions de sécurité very seriously."

"Regardless, before we proceed any further, we will have to cross check your references." Steve flicked through a few pages of the documents you had provided. "Précisément what are you insinuating Capitaine?" You realised the question hurled at Steve was merged with far more anger than intended. "If you propose to vérifier this with Director Fury, ne pas déranger. My visit surpasses his jurisdiction."

The room fell silent. Whether they had seen your point or they were waiting for you to get tired and leave, you couldn't tell for sure. Either way, you made an attempt at gaining the upper hand. "The all powerful position that has been bestowed upon you with zéro opposition, you need to prove that vous le méritez, that your intentions are pure. Else, your super-héros groupe de garçons stands to potentially be declared illegal in 117 nations."

The team was freshly formed. You knew they couldn't take any more difficulties than they were already facing. "It says here that you will be staying here at the tower for the entirety of this....inspection?" Natasha broke the ice. For some reason, you had almost expected it would be your mother to make the smart choice.

"Oui." You smiled, for the first time, "Maintenant, pouvez-vous me monterer ma chambre?" Natasha stared blankly at you, like you had spoken french. "I'm sorry. Now, could you show me my room?" You relapsed back to your native tongue.

Just as you were about to lift your bags and follow Natasha, Steve slipped them from your hands into his. "Allow me, ma'am." He offered. He walked behind you and Natasha was by your side, familiarising you with the tower as she led the way.

'Great!' Your mind was at its peak of sarcasm. 'The best two people I could be paired with.'


"I don't trust her one bit." Clint whispered once you were out of earshot.

"French maid or not," Tony smirked, "I've got my own ways to rile her up."

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