Chapter 22

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Wrapping your arms tighter around the Iron Man torso, you pressed your face in the armour's neck. Given your super soldier physique, the friction generated from the speed wasn't peeling the skin off your bones, but you still weren't looking forward to the tenacious wind stinging your dermis.

The jet was seconds behind you. In terms of distance, the unit was miles.

True to his word, Tony got you to New York in record time, his decreasing speed being the indication of your arrival to the Square. Only when your feet touched the ground did you gather the courage to open your eyes.

What you saw could only be described as absolute pandemonium - people screaming and running around, overturned vehicles, fires. And smack dab in the middle of it all was one Steven Grant Rogers, rescuing people from the rubble and ushering them away from the damage.

Your gaze settled on a woman with a bleeding shin lying on the side of the road, staring at a loosely hinged streetlight with terror in her eyes. It seemed as if the same happened with your father, because he threw his shield at such an apt time so that it would take the hit in place of the woman.

Then things began to go downhill.

Instead of running away from the chaos, the woman grabbed Steve's shield and broke into a sprint, headed somewhere in the center of the commotion.

Your heart rate escalated and Tony's arms tightened around you on cue. You wished in vain to stay in their safety forever.

"Tony, get the shield. Get the shield, now!" It was an order and Tony made no mistake in comprehending it as such.

Fixing your entire attention on Steve, you made your way to him, simultaneously on the lookout for someone else you recognised.

Barely ten steps away from him, you spotted a man. A man you had seen before....somewhere, which was not possible. Unless....yes!  He was one of the three men you had seen at Steve's funeral. Hydra.

Simon Ratchett navigated his way through the crowd with purpose, his eyes never wavering off his target. Steve Rogers. It wasn't like he hadn't noticed you, but he didn't care. Today he was about to accomplish for Hydra what no one ever could.

The knife in his hand caught a glint of the sun and the beam reflected in your eyes. Left with hardly any time to react, you made a blind dash for Steve. The rest of the world went entirely out of focus.

Steve didn't even know what was going on until you pushed him out of the way and had a knife dug halfway into your shoulder. In lieu of the wound, you kicked Simon in the jaw which threw him back in the middle of the street. Also in the way of a speeding car.

That was it for Simon Ratchett.

"Oh my God, what are you doing here?" Steve asked. You didn't answer and apparently, he wasn't expecting one. He had already made himself busy with the task of pulling the knife out of your shoulder.

You, on the other hand, were even more restless than before. None of it made sense. One man with a single knife set to conquer Captain America? No, no, no, Hydra knew better than that.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the quinjet coming into view. "STEVE! STEVE!" Natasha jumped off and ran in your direction. You could tell she had seem something. Something you hadn't.

And the horror in her eyes was evidence that it wasn't good.

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