Chapter 7

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"Bonjour, Monsieur Stark."

The voice caused a tingling in Tony's heart, a tingling about which he hadn't the faintest idea what to do. This was an entirely new sensation to him. He closed the numerous holographic tabs surrounding him and turned to see you leaning against the door, arms crossed over your chest.

"Please, call me Tony. Monsieur Stark makes me feel old." He gestured for you to come in. You were wearing a beige lace top and chocolate brown pants. Your high heeled beige pumps clicked against the floor in complete harmony with the air of your being as you crossed the distance from the door to the lab. In Tony's opinion, the word 'perfect' didn't have enough elegance to describe you.

"I see you've finally decided to pay my lab a visit." He continued. "It's an intéressant space." You looked around in admiration, "Trés well put together. I would sooner believe that the earth is plat than even begin to imagine you woke up this early. Late nuit?"

"Aren't you a treat." Sarcasm peeked through Tony's smile.

"Let's leave that to the spécialistes." You rested your plams against the table. "What have you been doing?"

"Working on my suit. Making some modifications." He directed you towards the several armour parts lying around, "Wanna give me a hand?"

"I'm afraid I won't be much help. Each time that you spoke, the reverberation in your voice radiated placidity. "I have my degree in  cryptology."

Tony's face went slack. "So, symbols and stuff." "Yes, symbols and stuff." You stepped closer to him, "Have you heard of the illuminati, Tony?"

"Who hasn't?" It might have been because you had addressed him with his first name for the first time, but you had Tony's full attention.

"Yeah, well, no. Aside from your conspiracy buffs, illuminati was a brotherhood of scientists who considered their study to the path of illumination. Hence the name. Tu vois, the illuminati did not professer its power through mortal weaponry. Secrecy was their supreme vertu and infiltration was their Holy Grail. They've infiltrated nom breux other societies, the Masons, par exemple." You felt the familiar excite of sharing infamous knowledge brewing within you.

"Do you, peut-être, have a dollar bill?" You asked. Tony patted his pockets and very hesitantly handed you the money. "No, keep it." You lightly pushed his hand back, "See the Great Seal on the back?"

"I see a pyramid." He narrowed his eyes. "And do you know what significance pyramides have in your country's history?" You raised a brow.

Tony remained silent. "Précisément." You put your fingertips together, "None. See the trinacria above it? Looks familiar?"

Tony did not have to wreck his brain about it for long. As soon as his eyes caught the eye within the triangle, he knew it. "It's the illuminati symbol. I've seen it everywhere!"

"Oui, it's the illuminati shining delta." You weren't paticularly impressed. These days, almost everyone was aware of the illuminati symbol and the short music piece that came with it. "The eye represents the illuminati's ability to infiltrer and the triangle represents enlightenment."

Tony flipped the note upside and then back down. "How did it end up on our currency?" You placed your hands on your waist. "Most croyez it came from vice president Wallace. He was a well known Mason and was allegedly connecté to the illuminati."

"And the President just agreed?" Tony had his doubts. "He didn't ask anyone to look into it?"

You smiled. This was a more common question than one might think. "He didn't need to. The President at the time was Franklin D. Roosevelt, Tony, and he too was a Mason."

Tony sat there for a moment, taking it all in. Finally, he found his voice. "That's so cool! How does one join this society?"

"I don't know." You picked up a coffee mug but the smell wafting from it made you place it right back. "Mais I gather it would be quite difficile, considering that they have been extinct for the past 400 years."

The elongated silence brought Tony out of his thoughts. He seemed to be lost in your words, in a good way. 'Get real!' He told himself. "You needed anything?" He asked.

"En ce moment, my task is immaterial. The liquid in that mug," You pointed to the coffee mug you were holding earlier, "is more concentré than coffee concoction. Don't tell me you drank it."

"It keeps me up." He cleared his throat.

"No. No, no, no." You pulled him away from his tools. "Now that we are on a first name basis, I'm exercising my right to care for your well being. You need to faire une pause."


"Objection denied." You barrled him towards the exit. "You will rest."

Tony stood by the door with an unsure gait. "Go!" A hearty laugh escaped your lips. "Alright." Tony shrugged, "JARVIS, lock up after us."

Even as he left the room and the lights dimmed around you, Tony could swear he saw the faintest of a smile lingering on your face.

A/N: The illuminati info is from Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. If you haven't read it already, don't sit around wasting your life. Try to get a hold of it.

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