Insane Asylum

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I packed a backpack with holy water I kept for emergencies, I was Christian . I put on a hoodie and some Team Ten joggers . The doorbell rang and I knew it was Kian. I went to open it and instead Chance did. They introduced themselves. We all got into the Tesla as I was tightly squeezed in between Kian and Tessa which were both snap chatting away. We were getting closer to the asylum and my stomach my heart beat faster . I was scared, that's why I had Kian. I put my hand next to his and he put his on mine. I smiled to myself thinking about what great friends I have and how much they supported me . Soon we were at the asylum. There weren't a lot of security guys and we jumped the gate . Kian helped my climb it and then we carefully walked into the place. There was graffiti everywhere, and the place had bad vibes to it . Jake took out a Ouija board.
Jake:" ok , Chance, Kian, Y/N and me will go first."
We put our fingers on the pointer and chanted along the words . It moved to yes. My heart skipped a beat and I gasped.
Jake:" what's your name ?"
Slowly the board spelled out " zozo"
Kade:"ohhh that's a bad spirit."
Kian grabbed my other hand and gave it a tight squeeze.
Jake:" do Kian and Y/N like each other ??"
I scolded Jake for such a dumb question and Kian smiled.
The pointer moved to Yes.
I took my hand of the pointer and started to deny the boards thoughts.
Y/N:" that's bullshit !! How can a fucking piece of cardboard know anything?? I still love Ivan ! That's lying!"
I said pointing to the board.
Tessa:" you didn't  say goodbye !! And you can curse In front of it . You're gonna be haunted."
I stormed out of the room to the next hall and sat on the floor . All of the sudden, my back started to burn really bad. I thought nothing of it at first , but it really hurt . I went back to the room.
Y/N:" guys ..., is there something on my back?"
Kian lifted my hoodie to reveal the claps of my bra , and dark red scratch marks .
Kian:" Oh my god .... Y/N.... there's really deep scratches on your back. Are you ok."
Y/N:" well I don't fucking know !! There's random scratches on my back that burn like hell ! Do something!!"
I started panicking as the Team Ten members started packing up they're camera gear and hurriedly leaving the asylum. I started to cry as  my friends calmed my down and Kian held my hand. We jumped the gate , and got back into the car . Tessa sat on Chances lap in the very back and I layed on my stomach on the seats with my head on Kians lap. I took off my hoodie so Kian could put some alcohol pads on my back that were in the trunk.
Kian:" they're not getting any better."
Y/N:" they fucking burn !!"
Tears were still running down my face .
Jake:" how's it going back there ?"
Kian:" not making any progress honestly."
Tessa:" should we go to the hospital?"
Y/N:" yea and tell them we illegally jumped a gate to the asylum and played with demons ? Sounds like a great idea!"
I rolled my eyes at her . When I was angry or in pain, I used sarcasm to drive away the wedge of  awkwardness .
Kian:" just get some rest , I can see what I can do at home. "
I layed on Kians lap as he traced my scratches on my back with his cold fingers , cooling them down a bit . I drifted into a nap until the car stopped.
Jake:" we're here let's go."
I woke up and got out of the car , not caring about being in my bra . Of course it had been freezing cold so Kian helped me put my hoodie back on, since I was half asleep. We walked upstairs and Kian told me to take of my shirt and bra , and lay on my stomach so he could put medicine on my back. I did as he said and before putting the medication on, he kissed each scratch away, gentle enough to not hurt me . His touch gave me goosebumps. When he was done he traced my curves with his hands and squeezed my butt. I immediately got up as smacked his hand away.
Kian:" ow ! What did I do!"
I rolled my eyes and put on a light shirt to sleep in.
Kian:" I'm in the mooood."
Y/N:" too bad , we can't do it here . Now get into bed or sleep outside ."
Kian:" fine."
He got into bed with me and hugged my back . It still burned when you touched it .
Y/N:" ahh my back. Please don't touch it ."
Kian:" I'm so sorry ."
He kissed my back and turned around. I shifted my spot in the dark room .
Y/N:" Kian, turn around."
He did as I said .
Kian:" what happened?"
Y/N:" do you wonder if the ouija was right?"
Kian:" I don't know . I can't explain how I feel about you . "
Y/N:" me neither . It's like , I like you . But I love Ivan. Does that make sense ? "
Kian:" yea , I guess it does . "
Kian turned around and I hugged his back, putting one leg over him my arm around him . He took my hand and kissed it . I feel asleep to his warmth and steady breath
I was woken up by Jake smashing my rooms walls .
Jake:" GET UP YA TWO!!"
Kian:" is this everyday ?"
The three of them start yelling the song .
Y/N:" ARE YOU DUMB ? You ruined my walls!"
I jumped up from the bed in my see through shirt and booty shorts in pure anger .
Jake:" relax it's fine look we'll put a picture over it ."
Chance grabbed one of the full length pictures of me and the Martinez Twins and taped it to the wall.
Anthony:" Ta da!"
How dare they.
Y/N:" yea just go ahead and do that. If you want you can just rip it up too . You know what , just break everything actually, that's the best idea. "
He politely took off the picture and handed it to me .
Y/N:" Thank you."
They all apologized and left my room.
Kian:" man , that was wild ."
I shrugged my shoulders and went into the bathroom to take a shower . When I got out , I fixed my hair and makeup and put on my clothes . The days repeated and something new happened everyday. Kian started hanging out with Team Ten more , Tristan and Tessa live together , and Team Ten is falling apart. More fights , more yelling, sometimes hitting . The boys had thrown several punches at each other , but on camera it's a whole different story . Everyone's nice and lovely and fake. It's L.A. , everything is fake.
Authors notes
Hi! This is my first ever story and sorry if it's bad . There will be a sequel and when the first episode comes out I will make sure you find out !! If you liked the story please show love by following me or voting for my story , it really makes my day! I don't edit my story's , I have no time . I use all the time I have to write and that time is usually 12:00am , so I get no sleep. Sequel is called ~ I remember you ~ Comment ideas for the sequel!! Bai love you guys !! 💞 ~ Deniz
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Insta fan acc~ Martinez._.fanz
Musically~ Denizzzz.zzzz

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