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Y/N:" Crap"
Emilio:"Im so sorry i was hol..."
Y/N:" Its fine"
I took some paper towels and covered it up. I quickly drove to the nearest drug store and got special liquid to clean up vomit. I came back to find everyone in the living room and I cleaned up Emilios mess. When i was in the store i got Emilio some medicine too. I went up to his room to find him in the bathroom washing his face.
Y/N:" Emilio how are you feeling??"
Emilio:"A little better"
I gave him the medicine and he drank it . I walked to our room and changed my clothes and Emilio walked up behind me.
Emilio:" will you sleep with me?"
I was confused by his words but I agreed. We laid down on my bunk and cuddled. I slowly fell asleep with Emilio by my side... I heard the door open and i knew it was Ivan.
Ivan:" Y/N, why are you sleeping with my brother!!"
I could tell he was angry and probably drunk. I didnt see him downstairs in the livingroom , i didnt know where he was . I got out of bed, luckily Emilio was still asleep.
Y/N:" what happened Ivan?"
Ivan:" stop playing with my feelings, one second you kiss me and the next your with my brother, who do you chose?"
His voice was loud and it kind of scared me.
Y/N:" Ivan , calm down your just drunk ok? Please just go to sleep"
Ivan:"how can i go to sleep with a broken heart huh? When you were hurt everyone treated you like a queen. No one sees my sadness though?"
He was now crying and his hands were shaking. He was so hurt and no one saw it.
Y/N:" Ivan please stop yelling , just calm down ok ?"
I was scared and tears were filling my eyes. I tryed to calm him down but he just kept asking me to chose between him or his brother. Im suprised how Emilio is still sleeping. I grabbed Ivans hand.
Y/N:" Ivan , calm down. Please. For me?"
He sat down and tears rolled down his cheeks. I gave him a hug and he slightly smelled like alcohol.
Y/N:"Come on"
I motioned to the bathroom so he could change his clothes and wash his face. I also washed my face since i was crying and rubbed moisturizer into it. He stood behind me slowly kissing my neck, he started to give me hickeys and I quietly moaned his name.
Y/N:" Ivan.... what are you doing??"
Ivan:" Your mine"
He started to take of his shirt and i pushed him off.
Y/N:" Ivan, what are you doing ?"
Ivan:" you have to chose, now . Im not waiting any longer. You've played us for too long"
Y/N:" I CANT chose between you and youre brother, you both mean so much to me."
I said while burst out crying . He put on his shirt and walked out leaving me in tears for the rest of the night. I cried for a hour or two and went to bed . Emilio was still sleeping and i could tell Ivan wasnt . He kept moving around in the upper bunk . I cried myself to sleep knowing Ivan could hear me.
I woke up with my pillow wet and a stuffed nose. I remember last night and got out of bed hoping to be the first one up. Ivan and Emilio were already up and looking at Ivan gave me chills. He was so cold and harsh last night, i had never seen him like that. I finally knew who to chose. Emilio. I really loved Ivan , probably more than Emilio , but last night had changed my mind. I got dressed ,straightened my hair, did my makeup and walked downstairs. I sat next to Emilio on the couch .
Y/N:" Emilio how are you feeling?"
Emilio:" better that your here."
I blushed and turned away. Tessa walked in.
Tessa:" Hey Y/N, wanna go to the gym with Aiana??"
Y/N:" Yea sure!!"
I ran upstairs and changed into my sports bra and leggings. I grabbed my headphones while putting my hair up into a ponytail. I went outside and i saw Emilio and Ivan staring at my clevage and butt. Me and Tessa got into the car and we were going to pick up Aiana on the way.
Tessa:"Whats wrong??"
Y/N:" why would you think something is wrong??"
Tessa:" You haven't taked to Ivan yet"
Y/N:" nothing wrong"
Tessa:"if you say so"
We picked up Aiana and headed towards the gym. We all did squats and lifted weights and by the end we were soaked with sweat. We stopped at starbucks and we dropped Aiana home. Me and Tessa were singing along to Its Everyday Bro and when the Martinez Twins part came along, i just sat quietly .
Tessa:" whats wrong?"
Y/N:" me and Ivan had a little fight."
Tessa:" its ok. You'll solve your problems soon"
We arrived at the house and I saw Erika doing something with Emilios face and Megan doing the same to Ivan. I saw blood and knew that they got into a fight. I rushed over to Emilio to see what had happened.
Erika:" him and Ivan got into a little fight and Emilio just has a bloody nose and his lip is a little busted. Ivan too has a bloody nose and a tear above his eyebrow."
I hugged Emilio kissed him on the cheek. I didnt go to Ivan yet, i was scared. I walked up to him and he turned his face from me.
Y/N:" Ivan?"
I got no reply. I put my hand on his shoulder but he pushed it off. I didnt know what i had done to hurt him. Me and Emilio walked upstairs with Ivan behind us. I took a shower and got on my bunk in my robe. I didnt know where Ivan was and Emilio was under me. We where both on our phones when i heard Emilio climbing up to my bunk. He sat down and stared at me. My robe was a little too open and you could almost see my boob. My thigh was also exposed .
Emilio:" did you chose yet?"
Y/N:" yes"
Emilio:" who?"
I kissed him and i think he understood who i chose. I loved Ivan alot and my heart belongs to him but he hurt me too much and Emilio was the perfect boyfriend.We were making out and i was on top of him. My robe had started to come off and then Jake walked in.
Jake:"  oops sorry , Just wanted to say that we are all heading out for bubble tea, you two coming?"
Y/N:" of course!!"
Emilio:" whats bubble tea??"
Y/N:" you'll see"
I said while i kissed his nose and went to get dressed. I put on leggings and a cropped hoodie and asked Tessa to make me Dutch braids. I put on some light makeup and went downstairs. Emilio was already there and Ivan was checking me out. Emilio grabbed me by my waist and we all walked out. Nathan , Alex , Megan and Aiana where coming so i had to sit on Emilios lap. I didnt mind niether did Emilio but i knew that Ivan was pissed. Emilio held me in his arms and i held his hands . He put his head on mine and we both looked out the window. We finally made it to the place and i ordered a strawberry milk bubble tea. He took a sip.
Emilio:" mmmhhhmm this is so good, im getting one."
I laughed as he ordered his drink and i felt Someone behind me. Ivan.

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