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I woke up from crying because of a bad dream. I had dreamed that Ivan got into a car accident and was in the hospital and Emilio was the one who caused it . I got up to find Ivan, who was in the kitchen eating last nights pizza. I hugged him as tight as possible.
Ivan:" woah, whats with the love?"
Y/N:" i just had a dream that you got into a car accident. More like a nightmare"
Ivan:" its ok baby. Im right here. "
He said after kissed my cheek. It was 6:30 and i was extremely bored. I havent seen Emilio the whole day and i was curious. It didnt matter as much. I had Ivan. I was making snapchat videos when Ivan stuck his head in front of my camera scrunching up his face to look as funny as possible. I posted it on my story. He started to tickle me and i tickeled him back. He was on top of me and we were breathing heavily from all the laughter. I looked into his bright blue eyes .
Ivan:" gone sexual"
I burst out laughing as I noticed Jake recording us.
Y/N:" Jake you were recording us the whole time??"
Jake:" yup , you guys are such friendship goals"
I rolled my eyes and understood how much Ivan had meant to me. Sure he hurt me a couple of times but not everyone is perfect. We kept sitting on our phones until Emilio called me.
Y/N:" Hey whats up??"
Emilio:" Nothing much, im just taking your out to a walk on the beach. Be ready by 7:30 . Wear something pretty yet comfortable, and a swimsuit."
Y/N:" Omg !! Really? Thank you so much your so sweet !!"
Emilio:" I know. See you at 7:30. Love you."
I hung up as Ivan was listening to our conversation.
Ivan:" wooow ok. Desperate much"
Y/N:" What do you mean?"
Ivan:" he wants to fuck you"
Y/N:" like you dont "
I said while getting up and smirked.
Ivan:"im not denying "
He squeezed my butt and i smacked his hand away.
Y/N:" Ivan!"
Ivan:" what ??"
He said while making a innocent face. I went up to my room to put on a cut out swimsuit and a really cute sundress. I curled the ends of my hair and put on some mascara and concealer . I was ready a little early and was sitting downstairs when Ivan came up to me again.
Y/N:" what are you here to squeeze this time ?"
He laughed at my remark.
Ivan:" Hahahaha, nope not now. Promise me you wont do anything with him?"
Y/N:" Ivan! Hes my boyfriend!!"
He made a pouty face.
Ivan:" pleasssseeeeeee"
I rolled my eyes.
He put his arm around me as i was scrolling through instagram. I liked his post and commented a few hearts. He smiled and seemed proud of himself. I saw a bunch of fan edits of me and Emilio. Ivans face showed no emotions to them. I knew he was jealous. I saw Emilios picture and commented bae with a ring emoji . Ivan made him hand into a fist . I gently touched his hand and looked up at him.
Y/N:" Ivan?"
Y/N:" dont be jealous "
He rolled his eyes and removed his hand from me . Emilio walked in. I ran over to him and kissed him while he picked me up . I deeply wished this was Ivan.
Y/N:" Where are we going??"
Emilio:" you'll see "
He said as he booped my nose. He held my hand and walked me through the door where a uber was waiting for us. I saw Ivan giving me a death stare from to corner of my eyes. How much i wanted to run over to him and kiss his big soft lips. I didnt . It was 7:23 and we were on our way to the beach . The sun was setting and i had a feeling of what tonights date was going to be.
She walked downstairs in her beautiful dress with her eyes sparkling brighter then the sun.
She sat down on the couch and i made her promise that she wouldn't have sex with Emilio. I wanted to take her. I needed her, she was the only person that kept me truly happy. I put my arm around her as she was scrolling through pictures liking mine and Emi's . She commented on Emilios post "Bae💍" I tensed as she told me to not be jealous. I turned away from her and Emilio walked in. She ran over to him like he was the love of her life. Probably is. I really wanted to go up to him and tell him she was mine. If I really had to fight for her, i would. But she deserves happiness and all i had giving her was pain.
We finally made it to the beach where Emi carried me to the shore. There was beautiful candlelit dinner and two waiters waiting for us .
Y/N:" Omg Emilio this is a dream come true!"
Emilio:"  i know "
He said with his lips against mine. We stripped until our swimsuits and ran into the water hand in hand. Emilio had a photographer taking pictures of every moment. We swam in the water for a bit and then got out to eat. There were candles everywhere and a trail of them along the shore. Close enough to the water but far enough to stay dry. Me and Emilio talked and laughed for a long time. It was ten o'clock when we decided to take a walk along the shore. It was a beautiful moment and Emilio was so romantic, but I couldn't help but think about how lonely Ivan was at home. We kissed in the moonlight. As we pulled apart ...
Emilio:" I love you"
Y/N:" I love you too"
We exited the beach as Emilio took us to the next location. A extremely expensive hotel , i knew where this was going. We walked up to the roof where there was a bed covered in rose petals and a fire with s'more ingredients. We had some s'mores and i sat on the bed.
Y/N:" this night has been incredible !"
Emilio:" all for you"
He said as he kissed me. We were on the bed making out when I realized what he wanted. I didn't let that happen and i kept all my clothes on.
Y/N:" Emilio! We didn't take a shower after the ocean!"
He lead me into the bathroom where ingot into the shower. I turned on the hot water as it melted the dirt off my pores on my skin. Emilio walked into the bathroom.
Emilio:" Can i join you??"
I stumbled for a minute. I didn't know what to say. I promised Ivan.
Y/N:" uhmmmm"
I muttered as naked Emilio walked into the shower . God it was huge!!  A smile creeped onto his face as he noticed me staring. I quickly turned around to face to wall. He was staring at my butt and i knew it.
Y/N:" Emilio this is a little akward"
Emilio:" Im sorry i just didnt think that it would be"
He said with a sad tone as he got out of the shower.

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