Dirty Dares

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We walked into the Team Ten house where everyone was vloging or on theyre phones. Jake was waiting for us to come back so we can go to the gym. I changed into a sports bra and some sport leggings. I had Tessa and Erika by my side to show me how to workout, and unfortunately Anna was there . It honestly didn't matter that much since i knew Ivan was mine . We reached the gym and Tessa told me to stretch first . I wasnt that flexible honestly but i could reach my toes. We stretched for five minutes and Tessa and Erika started doing squats . I decided to simply repeat after them . Once again all the boys had to stare at us doing squats. From the corner of my eyes i could see Ivan smirking. From now on i worked hard to impress him. We did some push-ups and i did like 3 pull ups but it didn't matter to me as long as i worked hard .
Ivan:"Hey Y/N come here for a second."
I went over to Ivan and he told me to get on his back. He started to do push-ups as i was on his back. I knew he was showing everyone that i was his , but i wasnt that sure yet. Anna kept flirting with him and Ivan flirted back. I knew back at the house i had to claim him mine officially. Our workout finished after a hour and we headed back to the Team Ten house. Anna threatened me a few more times but I didn't care. Jake decided that we play Dare or Dirty Dare, with the same rules as yesterday. I sat next to Ivan and Jake . Emilio sat beside Ivan and Erika sat on Jakes other side . Jake dared me and i chose DDare.
Jake:"I DDare you too kiss any guy in this room with tongue"
I started to cuddle up to Ivan when he said
Jake:"But the Martinez Twins "
Y/N:"who am I supposed to kiss? Theres Jerika and Chessa ."
Jake:" It dosent matter"
I groaned as i walked over to Anthony and quickly kissed him. Ivan was mad and Emilio didnt seem to care as much.I went to get a cup of water so i can rinse out my mouth. I sat back down in my spot. I dared Anthony and he chose Dare.
Y/N:" I dare you to sing a song and dance to it while everyone recorded."
Anthony got up and sang Its Everyday Bro and danced in the funniest way possible. Everyone had a good laugh. Another round passed and now Tessa dared me . I chose DDare .
Tessa:"This seemed to do good yesterday so , Y/N, i DDare you to sit on Ivans lap again"
I sat on his lap and he seemed mad at me. I whispered to him with the cutest eyes i could make.
Y/N:"Are you mad at me??"
She came up to me and sat on my lap . I wasn't mad at her , i was mad at Jake . He knew I liked Y/N, but he just had to switch things up.
Y/N:"Dont be mad at Jake , i didnt like kissing Anthony "
She whispered in my ear in the most seductive way possible. I started to get turned on but i knew i had to control myself.It was my turn to be dared . Chance dared me and i chose DDare .
Chance:" I DDare you to take off Y/N's bra under her shirt"
Chance wanted something to happen between me and Ivan. And i knew it would happen soon.
Ivan gently slipped his hands under my shirt and unhooked my bra. I then helped him slide of the straps and he pulled out my red lace Victorias Secrets bra.He put it on the arm rest of the couch.I was now sitting on Ivan's lap , nipples free and feeling exposed. I wasn't wearing a push-up bra because my boobs were naturally pushed up . I saw Anna jealous of what was going on and i felt happy. I cuddled up to Ivans chest and he held me under my shirt gently cupping my boob with his hand and occasionally squeezing it. Nobody seemed to notice.
I owe to Chance as he progressed our relationship. I put my hand under her boob squeezing it from time to time. I was turned on and she was enjoying herself as well. It was my turn to dare her , and i thought hard . She chose DDare .
Ivan:"Y/N:" i DDare you too give someone a lap dance."
Y/N:" i thought we were through this, i cant do that."
I said while taking off my jeans. Right now Erika was pantless and Chance was shirtless. Emilio was pantless too. Anna had a white see through bra and she was proudly showing of her nips. Almost all the boys had buldges by now , and i know Ivan had one too. Another round passes and almost everyone had taken off a piece of clothing. It was my turn and Anna was Daring me. As always i chose DDare.
Anna:"Everytime someone does theyre dare, a boy in this room has to give you a hickey. I was shocked and Ivan was mad. Jake scrunched up his face and everyone ooued. I had to do it or else i would have been almost fully naked.
I can't believe she agreed. She's allowed every boy in the room to give her a hickey?? I would rather have her naked and i would cover her up.
Ivan:"Your not serious are you?"
Y/N:"Well you dont expect me to be almost naked ?"
Ivan:"if you were i would cover you up."
Anna:"Too late, she already said yes"
I was about to leave when she pulled my shirt and asked me to stay. I gave in and sat back down. It my turn to do a dare. After i was done, i gave her the first hickey. She wanted to moan but remember where we were. After me it was Emilios turn. He was really happy that he got to give Y/N a hickey. It was Jakes turn. He did his dare and Y/N walked up to him with the saddest face ever. Erika was disappointed.
Jake:"Im not doing this"
Anna:" its a dare"
Jake:" id rather get naked them do this. Game Over"
I was so happy . I walked out of the room and went to my bathroom. I put on a Martinez Twins hoodie, and some shorts. I covered up Emilios hickey and kept Ivans. Ivan walked up to me with disappointment in his eyes. I gave him a hug but he pushed me away.
Ivan:"How could you do that?!?!"
Y/N:" i didnt want you to see me naked yet"
Ivan:"Im sorry ok , i just really like you and you made me sad"
I tipetoed up to him and kissed him. We were standing in front of the beds and he gently pushed me on it. He was on top of me while we were making out . Not breaking our kiss, i took of his shirt and he took off my hoodie. Mind you, i wasnt wearing a bra. We were both half naked , passionately making out on the middle bunk. Jake knocked on the door and walked in . I quickly grabbed Ivans shirt and put it on.
Jake:"Sorry to interrupt but i need to ask Y/N somthing alone."
Jake:"Who told you that you were worthless?"
I had remembered that day when Anna snapped at me. Then I remember that i was recording snapchat videos and showed it to Jake.
Jake:" Omg, she's not joining Team Ten and im sending her back home. You on the other hand."
I followed Jake into the office as he pulled out a contract.
Jake:"Sign your name and your fully joined"
Y/N:" OMG this is a dream come true!!"
Out of happiness I accidentally kissed Jake.
Y/N:"Omg im so sorry , I didn't mean to do that it was out of mood"
Jake laughed and told me it was fine.I signed the contract and gave him a hug.
Y/N:" I always wondered what it was like to kiss you, and now I realized that I didn't like it ,we are never doing that again. Your more like a brother to me"
He laughed and officially welcomed me to Team Ten. He went to make a video about me to post on Team Tens YouTube channel. I went back to my room and saw Ivan standing with Anna.

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