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Kian:" I don't know Y/N. I haven't figured it out ."
He took my hand and lead me inside .
Kian:"are we going to fuck or ? Why are you here exactly?"
I shook my head .
Y/N:" I just need to talk or drink or smoke , anything for the pain to leave."
A tear left my eye . Kian walked up to me and looked me in the eyes with his icy cold blue ones .
Kian:" don't worry , you'll be OK."
He wiped the tear on my cheek with his thumb and went into the kitchen. I sat on his floor and took out my phone . I had lots of texts from Jake.
Jake:" where are you?"
Jake:" please answer"
Jake:"I'm worried."
Also Alex.
Alex:"hey where are you ?"
Alex:"please tell me , are you ok?"
I replied to both by saying that I was at a friends house. I sat on Kians couch and waited for him to get back.
Kian:" I don't know which one you like better so I got whiskey and cola or rum."
Y/N:" either is fine ."
He poured me rum and mixed it with lemonade adding mint . I took a sip and the drink he made was perfect.
Y/N:" wow this is so good!!"
Kian:" so what do you want to talk about ?"
I rubbed my hair in confusion.
Y/N:"where did my life go so wrong ? One minute I was cuddling with my boyfriend making money and enjoying everyday with my friends going places and discovering new things . But , my boyfriend wasn't here legally . He's from Spain and the government deported him and his twin brother back to Spain."
I pulled up a picture of the Martinez Twins and showed Kian.
Kian:" they're pretty handsome."
I nodded my head .
Y/N:" now I can't really survive that much without him . I've just grown so attached. I don't know what to do now . "
Kian:" wow you must be really strong ."
I finished my drink and Kian started talking.
Kian:" I never really told anyone about this , your the first . So please listen. When I was 16 I wasn't cool. I didn't have all these tattoos , I didn't smoke. I was more of a nerd. I never kissed a girl , hell I barely talked to them. Then one of the popular girls wanted to date me . I truly loved her , she was my first kiss. We dated for 3 months and then she told me it was all a joke and she never liked me . Her name was also Y/N. She broke my heart , and now I don't trust any girls to love me . I moved to LA and now I mostly just have a one night stand and they leave . Or I spend my nights at the clubs drinking , possibly doing drugs . I never had a addiction though . "
Y/N girl reminded me so much of the girl from high school. I don't know why but she attracts me so much. The way her wavy hair falls into place every time she moves her head. How her eyes shine when she speaks of her boyfriend.
Y/N:" that's sad."
She sat closer to me and held my hand . She looked in my eyes and I stared in hers . You can tell everything by a persons eyes. I knew Y/N was kind hearted person who is going through a lot. Her name being the same as my ex's could be a coincidence but she's so different now. She leaned in closer to me and kissed me . The kiss wasn't filled with lust , it was soft and gentle ; yet passionate at the same time . By this kiss I had figured it out . She was the girl that broke my heart . I pulled away .
As he told his story , I remembered him. He was so familiar and now I know that he was the boy that I betrayed. I held his hand and kissed him . By now he probably remembered because he pulled away.
Kian:" you were the girl."
I nodded my head and tears left my eyes.
Y/N:" I'm sor.."
Kian:" why would you do that to me ? Do you understand how much pain you caused me ? I almost hung myself because of your stupid joke!"
Kian stood up and he was throwing his hands in the air . He was furious at me and I was scared.
Y/N:" please Kian let me explain."
I tried to stay calm .
Kian:" no! Leave my apartment now!"
Y/N:" Kian please listen to me you don't even know the truth! You can't just assume things !"
I was getting angry. This was pissing me off.
Kian:" No! You can't imagine what you put me through! I loved you ! I gave you my heart !!"
We were yelling at each other like a couple .
He stared at me wide eyed after I yelled at him.
Y/N:" just please.... listen to me . I hate being ignored like this."
He sat down as I paced around the room.
Y/N:" ok here's what really happened. I used to really like you , but as you know I was one of the popular kids and you were a nerd. If I liked you then everyone would make fun of me so I came up with this whole prank thing so everyone thought I was fake dating you when I actually had a chance to be close to you. Understood? I never meant to hurt you , I loved you . "
Kian:" wow , I'm so sorry . I never expected that. "
I shrugged my shoulders and went to the bathroom. I fixed my makeup and my hair . It was too hot so I took off my hoodie revealing my crop top that was cut at my underboob. My sweatpants showed off my butt. I left the bathroom and sat on the couch again.
Kian:" are you staying the night? "
Y/N:"can I ?"
Kian nodded his head. He was also sitting on the couch so I came up to him and put my head on his shoulder. He put his phone down and turned to face me .
Kian:" cmon let's go to sleep . He took me into his bed room where his bed was huge . He went into the bathroom leaving me alone in his room. I walked around looking at all the pictures he had . Then I came across one where high school me was holding Kians hand and we both looked so happy. A tear left my eye as I felt so bad for how much I hurt him. He came out of the bathroom, and I was still looking at the picture. He came and hugged me from behind .
Kian:" don't cry"
I turned to face him and hugged him back .
Y/N:" what can I change in?"
Kian:" nothing ."
He smiled and pulled away from me .
Y/N:" no seriously. "
Kian:" do you want a pair of my shorts?"
I nodded my head as he pulled out some supreme shorts from his drawer followed by a shirt .
Kian:" here you can sleep in this."
Y/N:" thanks."
I went into the bathroom and changed into his clothes. Obviously they were huge on me so I made his shirt a off shoulder. I tied my hair into a bun pulled out a makeup wipe from my bag , they were always in my purse . I took off my makeup and applied some moisturizer. While walking out of the bathroom, Kian was making the bed sheets .
Y/N:" ok so can I sleep on the couch or your bed ?"
Kian:" we'll share my bed ."
This made me nervous and I'm unsure why. I walked towards the bed and Kian finished making the bed .
Kian:" you like even better without makeup."
I rolled my eyes at his compliment, but then smiled . He was wearing low waisted boxers that exposed his v-line . I was so desperate to trace my fingers along his abs . Kian layed in the bed and I did too, on the very edge . The light was shut and Kian turned over , gently grabbing me and pulling me closer to him . My heart beated faster as I could hear his breathing against my ear .
Kian:" nervous?"
I gulped . All of a sudden he made me nervous.
Stuttering back my response, he spooned me like a baby and I feel asleep in his safe arms , unsure of my feelings towards him .

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