Its Ok

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I woke up with a empty feeling in my heart. Remembering what had happened I got out of bed and went downstairs. It was 6:00 and I was starving. Alex(L) was on the couch FaceTiming Baylee .
Y/N:" Hey Alex . Say hi to Baylee for me ."
Alex :" ok. Baylee Y/N says hi."
Baylee:" aw ok tell her I said hi back"
Y/N:" I heard her Alex."
I poured myself some tea. I looked horrible. My eyes were red and my eye bags were severe . Alex hung up with Baylee and motioned me to sit on the couch with him.
Alex:" talk to me. Your not ok."
I rolled my eyes and started to leave. He grabbed my hand.
Alex:" please."
Alex always imitated me with his perfect French. He was kinda cute. But I had never thought of him as more then a friend. I still loved Ivan, that wasn't going to change.
Y/N:" I'll be right back."
I ran upstairs, got the letter and put on concealer and mascara. I went back to Alex and sat down again. I gave the letter to him with tears in my eyes.
Y/N:" here."
Alex:" omg this is horrible! "
He pulled me into a hug as I cried on his shoulder not letting go of him. He used similar cologne as Ivan and I missed Ivan's scent. I finally pulled away wiping my nose and sniffling .
Y/N:" I'm sorry . I didn't mean to ...."
Alex:" it's ok. Want to do something?"
Y/N:" I'm hungry "
Alex:" let's go out to eat!"
Y/N:" but Baylee."
Alex:" it's fine we're just friends, she'll understand."
Y/N:" I don't want you guys to fight because of me."
Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the couch.
Alex:"you have to drive ."
I nodded and drove to In and Out. We entered to place as a fan instantly spotted us.
Fan:" omg ! I'm such a big fan! Y/N, why are you with Alex. Where's Ivan."
Alex:" we're just hanging out together."
We took pictures with the fan and ate our food as quickly as possible. It was 8 and the sun had almost set.
Alex:" let's go to the park."
I drove to the park and we sat on the swings. We talked and talked as I let out all my feelings . Alex was a good listener. We sat until almost midnight.
Alex:" this was fun, we should do it again sometime."
Y/N:" it really was!!"
He got up and so did I . The moonlight was shining and there was a romantic vibe. We stood facing each other, faces inches away. I leaned to kiss his cheek and he turned his face and our lips managed to meet. We kissed by accident, but no one pulled away . After about a minute he finally pulled away.
Y/N:" Alex I don't know what this was I'm sorry I shou..."
Alex:" it's ok . Just if you like me , tell me now ."
Y/N:" no Alex! I love Ivan it's just the mood and my thoughts of Ivan just .... I'm sorry"
Alex:" ok... well what should we do. I don't want to hurt Baylee. Should we not tell anyone?"
He seemed hurt, like someone stabbed him it the heart.
Y/N:" yea let's just keep this a secret. I'm sorry let's not make it awkward ."
I gave him a awkward hug and we walked to the car. Driving to the house, it was quite .
Y/N:" Alex want to stay the night, in Emilio's bunk?"
Alex:" ok it's fine."
We walked into the house and soon we were in my room. I went to the bathroom and prepared myself for sleep. When I walked out Alex was shirtless and he was standing in front of the mirror that I had decorated with pictures of me and Ivan when we first dated. He ran his fingers against them and put his head down . I stood behind him.
Y/N:" Alex?"
Alex:" oh hi!.."
He was sad. I didn't understand why.
Y/N:" Alex what happened ?"
Alex:" I just miss it when Baylee did this too. She's been more busy these days . I'm starting to worry."
I hugged him from behind .
Y/N:" it's ok. It'll all be ok."
I went up to my bunk and tried to sleep.
I heard Alex walk around the room.
Y/N:" Alex, why aren't you sleeping?"
Alex:" I can't fall asleep."
I got down and turned on the light.
Y/N:" hey, I can drive you home."
Alex:" it's fine."
We got into our beds and I cried myself to sleep missing Ivan's touch.
I woke up and Alex was already gone . I washed my face and put on some makeup. I didn't feel happy I pretended.My plan is that I'm going to a party tonight at a club. Walking downstairs Chance was on the couch.
Chance:" hey"
Y/N:"hey, any chance you and Anthony are going clubbing tonight?"
Chance:" why? You wanna go? "
I nodded my head and sat next to him.
Chance:" you have a fake Id?"
I nodded again.
Chance:" fine you can come."
Y/N:" thanks so much Chance!"
I went outside next to our pool and sat on the bench. I tried to FaceTime Ivan , it didn't work.
The whole day went by as I tried to find something to do. Soon Chance told me it was time to head to the club . It was 9:00. I wore a short tight strapless dress and a choker. I put on heavy makeup and heels. I walked downstairs to get to Chance and Anthony before they left .
Anthony:" Y/N just stay close to us ok? Don't leave my side."
I nodded my head and we drove to the club. We made it there and stood on the line . Anthony grabbed my waist so no one would hook up with me . We needed to fake date. We got to the bouncer and I handed my fake id .
Bouncer:" are you sure your 21?"
Y/N:" yup don't worry buddy I'll be ok."
I casually took my id and walked into the club. It was so pretty and was packed with people. Chance had found some friends and I stuck to Anthony. He left to go to the bathroom and this good looking guy walked up to me. He had tattoos on his shoulders and his eyes were icy blue. He seemed like a bad boy.
Guy:" hey, what are you doing all alone ."
Y/N:" my boyfriend went to the bathroom."
He grabbed my waist and our faces were only inches apart.
Guy:" my names Kian."
Y/N:" I'm Y/N. Can you please get off of me?"
I panicked and looked for Anthony.
Kian:" mmm don't worry I won't hurt you. Want a drink?"
Y/N:" uh sure I'll have a beer."
He signaled a waitress and ordered me a cocktail .
His hands left my waist as he grabbed my butt. I pulled away .
Y/N:" I don't even know you ! Get off me!"
Kian:" sorry , I just couldn't resist."
The drink came and he handed it to me. I took a sip and it tasted like strawberries and alcohol. It was really good and I took another sip.
Kian:"Here's my number, in case you need a fuck buddy."
He winked at me and vanished. I was shocked. He was good looking . I was confused so I shoved his number in my purse. Anthony finally came.
Tony:" hey sorry I took long . I ran into a old friend. What's that's drink?"
Y/N:" um I don't know , I just asked for something light."
He took a sip .
Tony:" this isn't something light. It's a Cherry vodka. "
He put my drink on a table and pulled me to Chance.
Tony:" Should we leave? It's midnight." Is
Chance :" Y/N should we go are you tired?"
My head hurt and so did my feet. I was ready to lie into my bed. But I didn't drink away my pain quite yet.
Y/N:" No it's fine. Let's keep dancing."
I started dancing and ordered a mojito . My drink came and I drank it all, I ordered lots of drinks and pretty sure I was drunk. I threw myself at Anthony dancing dirty against him.
Anthony:"Y/N stop we need to go home."
Y/N:" home?? Fine party pooper . We'll go homeeee."
Him and Chance swung they're arms over you to keep you from falling. We got into the car .
Y/N:" I want Ivan back .... does he still love me ? "
I started crying. Drunk words are sober thoughts.
Tony:" of course he still loves you , he just needs time to be back."
I was in the back seat with Anthony. I looked him in the eyes .
Y/N:" are you sure..........???"

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